What Are Your Favorite Ethnic Albanians?

Hi EA,

Could you advise on this situation for me? Chris Smith advised me that you are knowledgeable in this area, as he worked with you on the Yang account. Anyway, my problem is that I have a couple of dogs, dogs, dogs, dogs. They’ve already eaten most, if not all, of my dodgeballs. I’m a’feard that if they take stock of the knowledge that they have gained, they may one day begin to work up some crude excel spreadsheets, and from there they may start the natural resources. You Know. When they started strip mining. Just don’t blame me when the architecture sucks.

Thanks in advance!!

Debra in F&A

What Are Your Favorite Ethnic Albanians?

Anyway, my problem is that I have a couple of dogs, dogs, dogs, dogs. They’ve already eaten most, if not all, of my dodgeballs. I’m a’feard that if they take stock of the knowledge that they have gained, they may one day begin to work up some crude excel spreadsheets, and from there they may start the natural resources.

for the last time, dogs will never master excel. Continue with this line of reasoning and I will Connie Chung you.
Existing as a separate entity from the Swede since 1979.

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