
Total votes: 6 (21%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 22 (79%)
Total votes: 28

City: London

i vote not crap, just b/c it has its moments. beautiful buildings, great parks, great museums, great shopping.

but jesus. the traffic. and the money hemorrhage (excuse me, haemorrhage) of merely being there, never mind trying to live. and maybe the worst selection of reasonably priced food of any large city i've ever visited. and the shit, pay-to-play music scene (not to denigrate the bands themselves, particularly).

not crap, but not near the top of my list by any means

City: London

Salut! The Tube!
Salut! Bangers and Mash, Pie and Mash, and Full Breakfast!!
Salut! Polo Mints!
Salut! Congestion Tax!
Salut! EMI Studios Abbey Road!
Salut! The BBC!

London, you are cool town! Salut!
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

City: London

If the US dollar were not so pathetically wimpy right now, I would be going back to London this red hot minute. That city has got to be the most accessible city of its size and stature in the world. Easy as pie. I've never felt more welcome anywhere outside of the Deep South.

Any town that serves pork 'n beans with breakfast automatically gets a big NC from me.

City: London


I studied here, played in bands here, found a partner here, bought a house here, had two kids here.

It's a place where exciting things seem to happen with startling regularity; it's not a comfortable place but it's alive.


:WF: zero

City: London

Alan Partridge wrote:Go to London! I guarantee you'll either be mugged or not appreciated. Catch the train to London, stopping at Rejection, Disappointment, Backstabbing Central and Shattered Dreams Parkway.
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

City: London

I love it, the only thing is if you live here the cost of housing is way too high in central London.

If London had better weather it would be fantastic.

One of the best things about London is we immigrants! If it wasn't for us the place would fall apart, the Brits don't seem to be able to run a piss-up in a brewery :wink: but we love them just the same. London isn't in Britain, it an international city that just happens to be in the middle of South East England!

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