City: Roma

I am thinking of going to Rome, in beautiful old Italy, this weekend. Have any of you guys been? What should I see in the short amount of time that I'm there?

My wife and I have decided to go on a whim and we haven't really researched it yet. My wife's hairdresser suggested staying in the Trastevere district.

Basically, we just want to look at art, clamber on old ruins(not literally), and do romantic stuff.
Last edited by Cranius_Archive on Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

City: Roma

My girl is Italian and I spend a lot of time there. Rome is fantastic. Stay as close to the centre as you can. Search around for a pensione -the Itai version of a B&B- they're cheaper and nicer than some of the hotels.

Mostly all the stuff you want to see is walking distance from each other. If you want better quality, real Italian food -not beans on toast, like many Brits seem to :wink: - get off tourist areas and take a chance. The worst restaurant in Rome is better than most of the good ones in London. The Lonely Planet guide is great, get it and read it and plan your walking etc. in advance -especially if you only have a weekend.

Romans are pretty friendly, have a good time!

Warning: Rome is chaotic as hell, people will not stop at a crossing and traffic lights are a "guide".

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City: Roma

You could take a walk down the Via Appia, to where the catacombs are. Take a guidebook, as every little rock and tree has some sacred history connected with it.

The parts around the old Aurelian Wall are the nicest. And the old roman villas.

Try not to eat outside -the smell of gasoline doesn't add to the taste of your food.

Rome is lovely but I like Napoli even more.

City: Roma


Finally, a post I feel eminently qualified to respond to as I grew up in Rome. Trastevere is the part of Rome most insidiously coated with plastic and marketed by the tourist industry to have character. I'd avoid if I were you. It does have a somewhat special place in my heart as I got juiced there almost every weekend for a few years. If you stop by you'll end up walking through Santa Maria in Trastevere - do me a favour and ask the St. Stevens kids (sitting on fountain steps, shitfaced, mouthing off in American/Italian) whether Tuinenburg's getting any yet (they'll know what you mean).

If you really want to see Roman spirit hit San Lorenzo.

Interest: forget Colosseo. Check the Foro Italico. Fascist stadium. Also EUR for fascist architecture. And check the posters of Il Duce being sold on the streets by Moroccans. I find this fucking fascinating.

Hang on, balls to this. I know the best tour guide in Rome. Just call Ant on 06 6896073 and say Mikey sent you. Trust me.
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