I saw this today in the local free paper here in Minneapolis. I thought it might interest some of you here.
Pachyderm Studios in trouble
2double damn!! if i never get to make a record there i'll be super bummed!! it's been my dream to record there!! ah!! Good luck Pachyderm!!
luddite drunk with power,
luddite drunk with power,
recording engineers do it at +9@180nW/m
Pachyderm Studios in trouble
3Yes, a venerable studio in all aspects. It's a drag that Brent Sigmeth has left, though. Anyone have info on his whereabouts?
One anecdote from a decade ago: We made a run to the grocery in Cannon Falls. The parking lot was full of big old American cars -- unlocked, with keys in the ignition. That's rural Minnesota.
One anecdote from a decade ago: We made a run to the grocery in Cannon Falls. The parking lot was full of big old American cars -- unlocked, with keys in the ignition. That's rural Minnesota.