Sverige wrote:NOT CRAP in this context
i disagree. CRAP in that context!
Moderator: Greg
Sverige wrote:NOT CRAP in this context
toomanyhelicopters wrote:not the fancy decorated Brits or anything (actual knights, who are titled Sir), but just in general, just guys like you and me. like, "yes sir" or "no sir" or "thank you, sir" etc. sometimes maybe it makes some sense, but mostly it doesn't, to me. i am generally not happy when people call me sir. regardless of who it is, like if it's a 16-year-old kid, or a 50-year-old guy, i just plain don't like it.
Mark Lansing wrote:You know what's really crap? Calling someone "sir" and then having them bitch you out for it. "What's that? Don't call me 'sir'! How old do you think I am?" That happened to me fairly often when I used to work in retail (and thank god those days are over). I always had to fight back the temptation to say, "Well, if you don't like 'sir,' how does 'you pathetic assfucker' sound?"
"Sir" is usually meant as an expression of courtesy expressed to a stranger. It is meant to be a civility, not an insult. Accept it as such, or you are the one being an asshole.
buzzsaw wrote:"don't call me sir, dammit, I work for a living."------bullshit.
Mark Lansing wrote:"Sir" is usually meant as an expression of courtesy expressed to a stranger. It is meant to be a civility, not an insult. Accept it as such, or you are the one being an asshole.
Not Crap.
Edward wrote:[The word "sir" is] CRAP when not used sparingly.
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