Wanna here a new Chicago rock band(Bear Claw @ Metro 1-29)?


First I wanna say that I hope anyone dosen't consider this spamming the message board. I post on EA's board reguarly and have received many suggestions on engineering and talked about music quite a bit on here. Therefore, I wanted to just let anyone in the area know about a show that is going on with a band by the name of Bear Claw @ Metro on 1/29. If you like what you here on the website ect... come on out if you have nothing else to do. Here's the details:

1/29/04 (thurs.) @ Metro
3730 N. Clark, Chicago IL

with(starting with headliner):

Emily Shrine - http://www.emilyshrine.com
Cordy - http://www.cordymusic.com
Milk at Midnight
Bear Claw - http://www.bearclawrock.com

*Show starts @ 9pm / doors at 8, 18+
**Important** - There will be a free printable ticket that you can bring to the show before 9pm to get in for free, or after 9pm to get in for $5 instead of $7. The ticket is posted at the following web address



Bear Claw

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