Sexiest Women in Rock

waltermalling wrote:kim deal is in the pixies and weighs about 350 pounds.

When I saw the Pixies last fall, Kim looked great. Granted, David Thomas would look thinner standing next to Black Francis, but still, she looked pretty dateable to me.

waltermalling wrote:the white stripes chick could be ok if she got some sun to go with that rack.

You need to see her dance. I saw Meg White hanging out at a Dirtbombs show, and that woman has a damn fine hipshake. Very sexy indeed. A friend introduced me, and she was pleasant enough. Ko from the Dirtbombs is pretty easy on the eyes, too.

waltermalling wrote:i don’t know shannon wright.

You should. She's beautiful, and her music is brilliant.

I'd also like to put in an endorsement for the lovely Neko Case, the eternally hot Poison Ivy (that woman takes care of herself, she still looks amazing), and Emmylou Harris, who is proving that you can have gray hair and be over fifty and still be incredibly beautiful (though it helps that she sings so amazing).

Sexiest Women in Rock

SacredAndProfane wrote:
kenoki wrote:pj is ok for someone who looks like she's been buried underground for the last 30 years....scurry!!!

If that's what women would look like if they've been underground for the last 30 years...hand me a shovel. Good god.


polly is pretty much the hottest woman out there, almost.

may i also suggest -

chan marshall
rose marshak (poster children)
aimee mann (!?)
neko case
amy farina
shannon wright


Sexiest Women in Rock

Barry Shostakovitch wrote:And Miki and Emma (from Lush)


Total fanboy crush on them. Yurrrmmmmm.

I'm with DJ on the Lunachicks. Their guitarist was also quite the hot.

Additions to the list include Arzu of the late, lamented Selby Tigers:

Leah from Cherry 2000:

I could go on. I like girls in bands.
Hey. My name's Josh.

Sexiest Women in Rock

meg white is creepy, i can not get the appeal but... maybe i just have to look harder. i think overall kazu from blonde redhead wins though. i mean, seriously now... chan marshall i agree with too. kinda strait from the pastures, but that can be nice -- in addition to the crazy thing. i don't know who britta phillips is but she's pretty hot. yall be tripping on the neko case bit thouggh

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