Rising Star: Sufjan Stevens

Total votes: 16 (30%)
Not crap
Total votes: 37 (70%)
Total votes: 53

Musician: Sufjan Stevens

The Illinois record is the only thing i've tried. Although, on first listen not my type of thing. A certain melodic theme he seemed to have going through the album reminded me of steve reich ala music for 18 musicians.
the horn parts i guess. Like i said,not my log . Though not terrible by any means.
ChoCko is back in town!

Musician: Sufjan Stevens

I was one of those dudes who was blown away by Michigan... I am a sucker for ambition and i dug the fact that up until pitchfork gave it a good review, he was sort of well, unknown (even though he had two records out). And here is a record that sounds amazing (which he recorded himself, you know...) and is really incredibly put together.

I could never really get down with seven swans though, for no real reason other then it was beautiful, a lil too beautiful.. Just heard some of the new one, sounds pretty good.

But for my particular taste i like the dry wit and impeccable production/arrangement of a Jim O'Rourke, when yer talking modern ambitious records...

Oh, and his records are a lil too long fer my tastes... i like my sugar coated "uber pretty" records short and sweet, like a small bowl of pudding. To much, is well,... too much.

His sense of humor seems to be deflating some of the Preciousness of his last two records (as well the whole god/danielson deal).

So not crap, then?

Musician: Sufjan Stevens

My friend lent me Michigan over the weekend; said I'd like it. Never heard OF this chap before. The record is beautiful. Nicest opener to an album I've heard in a long time. The whole thing's full of blue skies. I'm going to go see him in Shepherd's Bush, which will be my first time in London for a year. It's nice when someone pops into your consciousness out of the blue and makes you feel all woken up inside. Yay. Not crap in the slightest.

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