Everyone knows it's spelled "Natalie". Now who looks ignorant?
Also, for a German who's been dead nigh unto two whole centuries, my spelling is pretty good. If don't get a present from you on the bicentennial of my death, I'm taking you off my Christmas card list, you ankle-biting peon. That's how we spelled things in Eighteenth-century Germany. Or, as it was known in the parlance of the day, "Gerrmany".
I must admit, though, that I wasn't criticising your spelling (though I confess that I didn't look, taking it on faith that it would be immaculate), Steve. You are a credit to your race and species, displaying, as it were, the very mettle of rigorous mental discipline. Moreover, I am only too happy to grant that "party", when used as a verb, reduces not only the speaker, but all those listening complacently as well, to nothing more than primates. I'm sure that shit-flinging will be right around the corner; fortunately, I'm wearing my Philosopher's Club hat.
Regarding your own admissions of linguistic bullying, you must ask yourself one question, but it is of paramount significance: "To what end do I bully these know-nothing know-it-alls? Are they means to some indeterminate end, utilized freely for my own personal gain, or are they willing counterparts, whose participation of their own free will?" It is, indeed, a question of such significance that it appears as two separate questions. If you cannot honestly admit to yourself that these people are willingly engaging in your childish horseplay, then you are going to Hell (a place, I am glad to assure you, I know nothing about). The only things that shall read this "style guide" will be devils, and lost souls, and those Republicans you so condemn. Lo! What tragedy! You have, however, admitted an understanding of the problem, and that is the first step toward recovery.
Also, "The Elements of Style", by Strunk & White, still serves its purpose as a handy reference on the conventions, though by no means laws, of style, thus rendering your usage guide quite redundant. Unless of course it contains pornography. Even I have been known to partake of a few "tart cherries" (if you know what I mean), when I was on my game in Germany.
Actually, upon further consideration, even if your bullying sends you to Hell, it is my thinking that baseball shall redeem you, for it is truly God's work on Earth. Be at peace.
Immanuel Kant
EDIT: Quotations, as I have so little need for the thoughts of others, are still foreign to me, as is their syntax.
24Immanuel Kant, about Steve and the chicken mcnobodies, wrote:Regarding your own admissions of linguistic bullying, you must ask yourself one question, but it is of paramount significance: "To what end do I bully these know-nothing know-it-alls? Are they means to some indeterminate end, utilized freely for my own personal gain, or are they willing counterparts, whose participation of their own free will?"
Haven't you been paying attention? What you mean to say is does he use us for his own personal gain. USE. Some genius you are.
Fucking Immanuel KUNT!
(Not afraid of this Eddie Izzard wannabe, as he knows his post will never be read)
25Easy, Greasy - I'm just jokin'. Nataly got it. Be more like her.
Also, I meant "utilized". As in, "derived utility from", in the strictest possible sense of the word, or from a more current standpoint, Steve's assumed usage of the word. Question me at your peril.
EDIT: Quotes continue to baffle my ancient, German mind.
Also, I meant "utilized". As in, "derived utility from", in the strictest possible sense of the word, or from a more current standpoint, Steve's assumed usage of the word. Question me at your peril.
EDIT: Quotes continue to baffle my ancient, German mind.
Russians are just diluted Germans
27steve wrote:I'm utterly down with the French. The French had the balls to say our Presidentine (a word I just coined to mean an unelected official in the position of a figurehead who presents himself as being vested with a mandate from his nation) was both wrong and lying regarding his reasons for wanting a war, and they invented almost every good cooking technique for poultry.
When my sister and I have something taxing, or long to say, we say it in french because it takes fewer words than english. The concepts are so much simpler in french, and most of the words have a clear meaning with proper tone, unlike english. I like french as a language better, it is less a game of who is saying what and more a well planned dance.
That being said - I can not spell! I don't even use spell check because it doesn't recognise what I am trying to say in english.
...act fast, while the rates are low...