The Feelies

Total votes: 2 (7%)
not crap
Total votes: 25 (93%)
Total votes: 27

Band: The Feelies

steve wrote:So, except that it was a different band I was talking about for live, because I never see them live the Feelies, I really liked the Feelies early singles and "Crazy Rhythms." So, not crap.

So maybe I never heard any more Feelies songs.

Mark, is this "Roman Circus" song with chest-pounding? Is she good? Which band am I in, Mark? What city is this?



steve, the bongos, they were pretty bad. but i don't know this EXACT SONG. still, everything i have heard, i have thought "bad."

the feelies, they are good straight through. but they were less crazy after the crazy _crazy rhythms_. if you were likely, given your musical taste, having little use for velvet underground and so forth, to get off the feelie boat at some point, that point would be apres _crazy rhythms_.

"rhythm," such a great word. from the latin 'rhythmus,' meaning 'movement in time.' but so hard to type.

hey, how much of the $15 for the cdr from twin/tone do you think the feelies get? my estimate: $0.00.

Band: The Feelies

tmidgett wrote:
steve wrote:So, except that it was a different band I was talking about for live, because I never see them live the Feelies, I really liked the Feelies early singles and "Crazy Rhythms." So, not crap.

So maybe I never heard any more Feelies songs.

Mark, is this "Roman Circus" song with chest-pounding? Is she good? Which band am I in, Mark? What city is this?


(Supressing the urge to Kenny that.)

hey, how much of the $15 for the cdr from twin/tone do you think the feelies get? my estimate: $0.00.

How did Twin/Tone get invloved at all? Good Earth was on Homestead.
I'd swear it was.
Feelies:Not Crap.

Edit: I guess it was on Coyote, not Homestead. Nevermind.
King of the Punk Rogers.

Band: The Feelies

tmidgett wrote:hey, how much of the $15 for the cdr from twin/tone do you think the feelies get? my estimate: $0.00.

The website says each band gets $5 from every CDR. I want to own this album badly, but this does seem a little fishy (I heard that Twin Tone doesnt exactly have the best track record).

Band: The Feelies

steve wrote:Mark, is this "Roman Circus" song with chest-pounding? Is she good? Which band am I in, Mark? What city is this?

I have no information on your location, but I do happen to know that while the Bongos never recorded the tune "Roman Circus," it pops up on one of Richard Barone's solo albums, 1990's Primal Dream. He recycled a few Bongos tunes on his solo sets, so I wouldn't be shocked if it dated back to that period.

Band: The Feelies

"The Good Earth" was the first Feelies record I heard/bought. I was a sophomore in high school, or something like that. I think this record has a ineffable, magical quality. It has a lot to do with the sound of the vocals and their position in the mix. "When Company Comes" sounds like a thousand summer evenings bottled into a minute and a half or so.

"The Good Earth" was recorded something like seven years after "Crazy Rhythms," and Anton Fier quit in the interim. The Feelies of "Crazy Rhythms" is essentially a different band. Looking at the cover photo of those dorks and listening to the subject matter of the songs ("The Boy With Perpetual Nervousness"), it's hard not to conclude that "Crazy Rhythms" is the first indie-rock record (I mean this in the best sense of the term). It had to have sounded very, very different than anything else going on at the time. It's a timeless record.

The subsequent records "Only Life" and "Time For A Witness" were good but they never really did it for me. The Velvets influence got more and more and more prominent.

The Feelies were incredible live. They used both a standard trap-set drummer and a percussionist, and those guys were shit-hot together. That was some rhythmically propulsive rock music, of an intensity the records only hint at.

You can catch them covering Bowie's "Fame" and "I'm A Believer" at the high school reunion scene in Jonathan Demme's movie "Something Wild."

Salut, Feelies.


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