
Ha! I didn't notice that at first... Peggy just doesn't sound like such an evil name, does it? After clicking around the site, it almost seems like Satanism is just a big joke... just a way to fuck with people's minds. But I'm sure there are a lot of serious assholes out there, too.


ElRon wrote:I don't know...Satan seems pretty cool. Not as cool as Jesus, but to each their own.

What does seem odd is to make so much of an effort to show why you don't think someone's beliefs are valid. Who cares? I'm sure they don't, just like if I would tell a Christian I don't believe in their faith. I'm certainly not going to spend any time tapping away on the internet trying to "prove" an opinion. So lame.

if this was directed at me, i'd like to address it by saying that this post originated on another message forum, as part of a years-long discussion of religion, with specific focus on Christianity and Satanism. it is a thing we like to call an "attempt at rational discourse", a thing where people throw out their opinions and consider what each other have to say, and possibly somebody learns something they find interesting, or reads something that sparks some sort of thought in their mind. it's pretty fun sometimes. and it's not so much about proving an opinion as it is about stating opinions and offering some sort of explanation of the basis for the opinion. usually nobody ultimately changes their belief, if they already have one written in stone like people often do. but sometimes somebody says "that's interesting" which is just about all anybody could hope for with rational discourse, to provoke thoughts.

and fwiw, it wasn't "so much of an effort". my brain just goes ahead and thinks about stuff without me trying really hard to get it to do so. if i may quote one of the greatest literary geniuses of the modern era... "thoughts arrive like butterflies". and i type fast, too, i promise.

PS - Satan seeming cool all depends on your perspective and your personal interpretation of what Satan represents. to me, Satan represents a combination of utter selfishness, cruelty, and deception. if you have anywhere near as active an imagination as i do, i don't see how you could picture the apex of selfishness, cruelty, and deception, and say that seems remotely "cool". what is your characterization of Satan?
LVP wrote:If, say, 10% of lions tried to kill gazelles, compared with 10% of savannah animals in general, I think that gazelle would be a lousy racist jerk.


toomanyhelicopters wrote: PS - Satan seeming cool all depends on your perspective and your personal interpretation of what Satan represents. to me, Satan represents a combination of utter selfishness, cruelty, and deception. if you have anywhere near as active an imagination as i do, i don't see how you could picture the apex of selfishness, cruelty, and deception, and say that seems remotely "cool". what is your characterization of Satan?

I was kidding- I don't believe in Satan, so I don't characterize him as anything. I also don't try to judge how accurate other peoples characterizations are...or how valid their opinions or beliefs are. Since those beliefs actually exist they are just as valid as what I believe, and arguing over the internet is not going to change that. Nor would I want, or try, to change them, as that would be saying that I am "right" and they were "wrong." Right and wrong do not exist, especially when it comes to something as abstract and unknowable as religious beliefs.


ElRon wrote:I was kidding- I don't believe in Satan, so I don't characterize him as anything. I also don't try to judge how accurate other peoples characterizations are...or how valid their opinions or beliefs are. Since those beliefs actually exist they are just as valid as what I believe, and arguing over the internet is not going to change that. Nor would I want, or try, to change them, as that would be saying that I am "right" and they were "wrong." Right and wrong do not exist, especially when it comes to something as abstract and unknowable as religious beliefs.

i don't think the folks in the Church Of Satan believe in Satan as a big bad doude with wings and fangs or anything like that either. it's more about digging the antithesis of Christianity. or something. more of an ideology.

i like that you've shared your opinion about "right" and "wrong" in such a couched way. you've still shared your perspective, your opinion. and you've done it in a sorta passive way... but you are actually very absolute about it with the statement "Right and wrong do not exist"... you're probably pretty convicted about that opinion, right? ;) just funnin' ya.
LVP wrote:If, say, 10% of lions tried to kill gazelles, compared with 10% of savannah animals in general, I think that gazelle would be a lousy racist jerk.


Any or all acceptence of satanism simply validates wacko christian principles. The Yin to their Yang.

Zen Buddhism is all right by me.

Douche cakes Wearing to much black and listening to black metal can only bring laughter to my life.
Television evangelist's and born agains are a frightening group what with their hold over are current President and his right wing agenda.
ChoCko is back in town!


According to the Church of Satan website, Anton LaVey named his kid Satan Xerxes blah blah blah LaVey. It's borderline abusive to give your kid a stupid-ass name like that. And all for a joke! I mean, Satanism is sort of a funny joke, but it's a joke. I can't take it seriously.


The LaVeyen brand of "Satanism" is really more of a philosophy than it is anything else. I just recently found out that good ol' Anton stole a lot of material he wrote in "The Satanic Bible" from a book entitled; "Might Is Right" which is an infamous treatise on "Social Darwinism." There are instances where LaVey plagiarized line for line from "Might Is Right." I find that rather amusing since those aspects LaVey stole happen to be the same ideas in "Satanism" I have always somewhat admired or identified with. "Might is Right" has also been a big influence on Boyd Rice (himself affiliated with the Church of Satan for many years).

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