How did they sound/work for you? Are they worth the money or is it worth spending a little more for something better like the Beyers?
I find myself in a funny position here. How do you convey to people that your products are great tools, and that they are priced where they are so that people can afford to buy a usefull tool, and still have people take them seriously?
It seems like I need to raise the price by three times for people to think they are worth considering? This seems backwards, but then I guess there is a lot of crap to wade through out there ( and I am in no way implying that the Beyers are in this category, they are great tools).
Let me know if I can help in any way. I don't want to come off like a sales droid, but I wouldn't be selling the ShinyBox mics if I didn't think they were great tools.
For guitar cabs, I'd steer you toward the 46 models.