I thought I'd bump this after reading the awesome thread on brothers.
I have a sister two years younger than me.
I'm adopted, but she's my parents' biological child.
We fought a lot as kids. She once bit me hard enough I got a bruise on my arm.
She liked N*SYNC, that kid from Home Improvement, and other crap while growing up.
After high school she moved to Spokane, went to community college, worked at Wal-Mart, got fired from Wal-Mart, dropped out of community college. Ended up moving back home and becoming a lab assitant.
She just quit that job and is trying to join the air force.
We don't really have anything in common.
person: your sister
11Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.
I Made Out With You Before You Were Cool
Don't Sit On The Pickets