What's your opinion of this image

I just pissed myself laughing
Total votes: 1 (25%)
I just cried for the little guy
Total votes: 3 (75%)
Total votes: 4

This is a picture

This picture is cute, if not used in an exploitive way. A few clues to this child. I will bet any of you that this child is a girl. The pink wheelchair gives it away. I will also bet any of you that this child, if cognitively impaired, is only mildly affected. You have to have a certain level of intelligence to propel your own wheelchair, which this child obviously does.
If you laugh at the picture, go fuck yourself. If you laugh with the child in the picture... no problem there.

Most little kids like to dress up for halloween, impaired or not!

I had an awesome time with the classrooms I serve (preschool to 3rd grade). On Friday we made spider webs with string and glue on waxed paper placed over the spider web pattern. On Monday we made the spiders from old cardboard egg cartons and craft supplies. One of the best projects I've come up with and the kids had an awesome creepy sculpture to take home on Halloween (Monday). Salut Halloween, Salut kids disabled or not enjoying Halloween!
Don't let the strawberry win.

This is a picture

Cranius wrote:
Rimbaud III wrote:This pic looks like something from a Cindy Sherman-Paul McCarthy photograph/film.

That's what I thought. Paul McCarthy's on at the Whitechapel at the moment. It looks pirate themed.


Yup, I know, and frankly, I'm so excited about going to see this I could - ahem - cry spunk.

Have you read this:

McCarthy lost FINGERS setting this exhibition up! I'm surprised more wasn't lost really.

This is a picture

BadComrade wrote:Sunset_gun

Your avatar made me think of a guy I met this summer at the NAMM show. He's got one arm, and he's a fucking fantastic bass player. Not really a fan of what he's playing here, but if you're on broadband, you can watch him in action for 5 long, long minutes HERE.


Really cool guy, too.

I've got a friend who is partially diasbled and plays bass. He has very limited use of his left hand...can't grasp things, etc...he is still a damn good jazz/funk bassist.
Rick Reuben wrote:I was reading the Electrical Forum in my parents' basement when ...


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