Chapter Two wrote:
Minor Threat didn't start the whole trend of Straight Edge. The responsibility lies with those people that worshipped Ian Mackay as a role model and attempted to create an identity from this individual's one or two songs that outlined his particular stance on alcohol, drugs and casual sex. If you want to blame any one band for the whole horrible hitler-youth type mess that was straight edge, blame Youth of Today. And as far as their chugga-chugga thing goes, as far as I'm aware, no-one was taking punk rock to that fast and direct a sound before them.
Point well taken. I'll admit it's kind of fucked up to accuse McKaye and MInor Threat of being personally responsible for hordes of straight edge militants. So I guess I dislike that band by association. Never thought their music was anything special, though.
Another word about the Make Up: I don't get how a band this schticky and
unintense could emerge out of the ashes of Nation of Ulysses. Does anybody else wonder about that as well?