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The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:07 am
by Gramsci_Archive wrote:Crowther Audio's pedals both work terrifically for bass. Hot Cake and Prunes/Custard.

The P/C is, I believe, actually intended for use on a bass. The Hot Cake is a guitar distortion pedal, but the bassist in my band uses a Hot Cake and the sound is terrific.

In general the worst thing you can do to get a distorted bass sound is plug into some distortion pedal cranked to '11'. Focus your spending on a high quality head if you have limited funds.

Seconded, all Crowther Audio stuff is soild gold.

The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:45 am
by choppy_Archive
MrFood wrote:apologies in advance for hijacking this thrd, but my digression is somewhat on-topic...

does anyone know about the setup / recording of the bass on the new Fall album? specifically track 7 - 'Blindness'. Utterly, utterly thunderous.

it has a similar effect on me as the bass sound in JL records.

I agree, it's a great sound. I don't know how they did it, but I got a similar result by putting a shitty DOD bass distortion through my signal loop, after all my other pedals. It's a nice thing I found a use for that, cos it sounded like shit when I had it in with the rest.

The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:49 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
Yngwie Einstein wrote:I really love the sound of the bass in the Jesus Lizard recordings. I'm curious to know what kind of gear was used and how the bass was recorded.

I've been working on a song on bass played through a Big Muff, but the instrument just gets lost in a muddy wash when a really chord-y guitar part is added. I've got a G&L L2000 with really nice pickups. But even in active mode with bass boost the signal still lacks clarity. Any suggestions?

hiya. bass setup from goat.

david's setup didn't change a lot over the years. you can go back to the scratch acid days and see the gk800rb and those dietz cabs.

what we got here, is a jazz bass copy(memphis) through a traynor ts-50b into a gallien krueger 800rb pushing two dietz cabs loaded with EV K140's i believe. which if rumor is true are out of production.

the only addition/subtraction over the years is the traynor. the cabs and gk stayed. you can tell when he used it and when he didn't.

the tricky part is finding a traynor ts-50b. i have one. a handful of other members do too. would we say it's necessary to copping mr. sims's tone? i wouldn't.

the sansamp bassdriver and a gk works wonders. as do good cab's and speakers. a decent bass doesn't hurt either. preferably a jazz bass. or reasonable facsimile.

p.s. i'm selling a reasonable facsimile that looks a lot like the sims facsimile.

as seen here being played by this judd nelson look alike.

The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:53 pm
by endofanera_Archive
wiggins wrote:I would suggest the "bluebeard" distortion pedal for bass. Troy from mastodon uses one, the bass player in my band uses one also. Its a bit out of control, and well worth the money (~$300) - but for that amount, you could get an Ampeg V-4b and get an awesome bass tone from that. I wish I had a website for the Bluebeard. Maybe Endofanera can tell you where to get one - they're handmade in D.C.

Sadly, I can not. Ive seen some bands use them, but I dont know where theyre made or how to get one. Curse me!

The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:33 pm
by beebe_Archive
wiggins wrote:Take the Big Muff. Also, take a blowtorch, and a hammer. Any blowtorch and hammer will do. Apply heat and bang on the middle-section with your hammer until you have a really nice ashtray.

Feel free to experiment with paints, perhaps glittery fingernail polish if you're strapped for cash and the misses isn't looking.

Take these simple steps and hear the mud evacuate out of your tone before your very ears! Then, ash your cigarette/cigar/jay in your wonderful new Russian ashtray! Enjoy!

unless you're Rizzudo.

I actually did this with my Big Muff and replaced it with a Distortion + ...which also sounded great as used by The Chromatics the other night.

That should answer the question about Jesus Lizzard.

The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:00 pm
by TheMilford_Archive
If you mofos are patient I should have my ts-50b preamp clone /pedal up and available in a few weeks.

I have the boards and the parts... I just need to build 'em.


The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:36 pm
by benadrian_Archive
TheMilford wrote:If you mofos are patient I should have my ts-50b preamp clone /pedal up and available in a few weeks.

I have the boards and the parts... I just need to build 'em.


Interesting. I started to build a rack tube preamp that was the preamp from a blackface fender bassman. I never finished. I also started building a pedal that was a FET clone of the first couple gain stages in a JCM 800. That also remains unfinished.

I'd be interested in hearing this.

Ben Adrian

The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:28 pm
by danmohr_Archive
As this topic found its way into another, more-specific thread, here are the goodies:


The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:25 am
by that damned fly_Archive
wiggins wrote:Take the Big Muff. Also, take a blowtorch, and a hammer. Any blowtorch and hammer will do. Apply heat and bang on the middle-section with your hammer until you have a really nice ashtray.

Feel free to experiment with paints, perhaps glittery fingernail polish if you're strapped for cash and the misses isn't looking.

Take these simple steps and hear the mud evacuate out of your tone before your very ears! Then, ash your cigarette/cigar/jay in your wonderful new Russian ashtray! Enjoy!

wiggins wrote:I would suggest the "bluebeard" distortion pedal for bass. Troy from mastodon uses one, the bass player in my band uses one also. Its a bit out of control, and well worth the money (~$300) - but for that amount, you could get an Ampeg V-4b and get an awesome bass tone from that. I wish I had a website for the Bluebeard. Maybe Endofanera can tell you where to get one - they're handmade in D.C.

To me, nothing really beats a 100w tube head for bass distortion.

I wasnt meaning to make fun of you with the big muff thing. Jokes, you see. It probably would suck as an ashtray too.

the funny thing...that bluebeard fuzz...a modded big muff. HA! it's true.y cost about $150. sanford and sonny has a myspace page for all interested.

also, for sims tone, get the jazz bass and cut back the neck pickup some. on that version of "blockbuster" off "bang" what do you think that low end humming is?

The Jesus Lizard bass sound

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:25 am
by wiggins_Archive
ok, its been a couple years since I posted on this thread.

I recant on the 100w tube head shit. Unless accompanied by a nice solid state amp for low-end. My favorites now are the high wattage 2x15's with a nice GK 400rb. My new band's bassist uses an MXL Distortion + which does pretty nicely. His tone is simultaneously razor blade-y and internal organ squisher-y. Geddy Lee jazz bass. Digitech Whammy.

Go listen to his other band Battlecat, you'll get the picture. Then again, there's four different bass tracks going at any given point on those recordings. Ever had mixing sessions that are exhausting just because you're being pummeled by sound? I think I slept for 12 hours after that...