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DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:57 am
by matthew_Archive
Intelligibility implies an underlying intelligent agent. I think this is kinda hard to disprove, unless you have an agenda

Macro-evolution is quite simply preposterous......also unless you have an agenda and wish to ignore and disregard real science.

I think that attributing the origin of life to a happenchance collision of molecules in a "warm little pool" under JUST the right circumstances is such a naive notion given what is known about organisms. Even an individual eukaryotic cell is terribly complex and has parts that have no function independent of their integration with the rest of the cell. Attributing the origin of irreducibly complex parts to the ubiquitous "well, it developed over millions of years" is a just God-of-the-gaps (albeit sans God) theory dressed up in a scientific guise. There are so many intricate parts and functions in even the simplest living things that are unexplainable according to macro-evolutionary theory.

As for microevolution, well.........I think that living things are DESIGNED to adapt well to different circumstances that face them. There is no way, though, that adaptive changes can produce the variety of living things that exist. Sure, scientists point to ants somewhere adapting to some change in their habitat and a few other things as well, but this is, like I said, just adaptation, not an evolution into an organism that previously did not exist.

Macro-evolutionary theory is at best a bad theory, at worst a quasi-religion.

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 9:03 am
by Cranius_Archive
Cranius wrote:Inherit the Windbag

Sorry, but this got done.


Matthew, this topic has been done to death.

Can we just talk about something else for a change?

(If only to save us from Gramsci from evangelising about atheism)

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 9:08 am
by Rimbaud III_Archive

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 9:18 am
by Gramsci_Archive


Done here...

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:54 am
by Christopher_Dragon_Archive

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:31 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
Someone here actually believes that complexity implies design?

That's so cute.

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:42 pm
by solum_Archive

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 2:50 pm
by skatingbasser_Archive
In speech and debate calss yesterday people were throwing around topics. Some kid in a shirt that read "IRISH" wearing a Fightin' Irish hat took a break from saying how much he could bench and said to me "You're one of them pro-evolution people. Wanna do that?"

I was confused, and said "As in, you believe in intellegent design?"


I shook his hand and said "I'm sorry, I didn't know you people still existed."

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:35 pm
by yut_Archive
Only in American, Pakistan, Lybia, Saudi Arabia... Everywhere else, Darwin is accepted. Maybe I'm being unfair about Pakistan. They even had a female prime minister once. But you know, those moooslams keep the women down... Not like us great Americans.

Darwin's is the THEORY of evolution. It is not a fact, but the best scientific theory we have. Much better than Adam & Eve, and the notion that the world was created 6,000 years ago. That's simply bullshit. If there is a theory of intelligent design that can be explained scientifically and can be presented in a science class, both theories should be presented. Otherwise, keep that shit in church. I am not a christian and I don't want even more of my tax money going to finance religion. I mean, christians have tv channels, churches everywhere, and increasing political power as it is. Can we just keep the church out of school? We appearantly can't keep it out of government.

Same thing with global warming. Most of the world accepts the theory. America does not. At least there's a movement of city goverments accepting Kyoto.

As far as the complexity of cell organelles and life in general, this evolution of life happened over a very long timespan. Single cell organisms have a very small life span, and you may have hundreds of generations in a week. At this early stage evolution happens rapidly. Mutuations occur and the weak die and the strong survive. We see this all the time, be it a litter of puppies, a bee hive, or a virulent strain of rhinovirus. Antibiotics fail to work against bacteria that gain resistence. Was this God's doing? Intelligent design can't prove where God's intervention takes place. It is critical of the 10% that we don't know about, but doesn't provide any evidence of divine intervention. The 90% we do know about demonstrates Darwin was right -- we make medications based on this "theory". We save people's lives based on this "theory".

I think we don't pay enough attention to Darwin's theory of evolution. The point about antibiotics -- doctors still prescribe them for every little cough and wheeze. Most of them are now useless.

The lack of acceptance of this is just more proof of the neo-medieval world we live in. Or maybe more like the civil war if the south won. They didn't win the actual battles, but they won the war.

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 8:16 pm
by Gramsci_Archive
yut wrote:Darwin's is the THEORY of evolution...

I think your way of putting "theory" is a little off. The use of the word "Theory" in science is a lot more of a solid concept than the everyday usage...

Just saying.