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abstraction: numbers

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:53 pm
by Andrew L_Archive
I came across the following post on a blog this evening:

"There are no such things as numbers"

The most exciting essay I've read so far this year: Paul Benacerraf, "What numbers could not be," Philosophical Review 74 (1965), reprinted in Benacerraf and Putnam, eds., Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings (Cambridge UP, 1983). This was the essay that spurred the development of the first new position in the philosophy of mathematics - structuralism - since the debates on the foundation of mathematics in the early 20th century. Some stand-up-and-cheer goodness:

...that any recursive sequence whatever would do suggests that what is important is not the individuality of each element but the structure which they jointly exhibit..."Objects" do not do the job of numbers singly; the whole system performs the job or nothing does. I therefore argue, extending the argument that led to the conclusion that numbers could not be sets, that numbers could not be objects at all; for there is no more reason to identify any individual number with any one particular object than with any other (not already known to be a number). ...
[N]umbers are not objects at all, because in giving the properties (that is, necessary and sufficient) of numbers you merely characterize an abstract structure - and the distinction lies in the fact that the "elements" of the structure have no properties other than those relating them to other "elements" of the same structure....Any object can play the role of 3; that is, any object can be the third element in some progression. What is peculiar to 3 is that it defines that role - not by being a paradigm of any object which plays it, but by representing the relation that any third member of a progression bears to the rest of the progression. Arithmetic is therefore the science that elaborates the abstract structure that all progressions have in common merely in virtue of being progressions.

Benacerraf is positioned against not only Fregean logicism, but also classical platonism; and he claims at the end to explain "what the ordinary formalist apparently cannot - why these axioms were chosen [in the first place]". I will go read Stewart Shapiro's book on structuralism and let you know what happens.

People. And their brains!

abstraction: numbers

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:44 pm
by hart_Archive
robert thefamilyghost wrote:
Herr Tim wrote:It would be a vast understatement to say that numbers are important.

you raise a valid point, yet somehow i can't help but feel that i'm angry at numbers...

Numbers are okay, but the problem is math. We learned in Philosophy that one of the most important "discoveries" of history is 1 + 1 = 2. Everything else in math is based on that irrational, emotional assumption.

What if it's slightly off? What if 1 + 1 = 2.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000739468?

You can still create a coherent mathematical system around it. This might solve all of the world's problems.

abstraction: numbers

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:23 am
by robert thefamilyghost_Archive
hart wrote:What if it's slightly off? What if 1 + 1 = 2.000000000000000000000000000000000...(etc, you don't need to mess up the screen display to pove your point)

numbers are an assume there's a "measurement" error in their defined integer states is to assume they actually exist in a manner that can be deviated definition the addition function, when applied between two integers, cannot yeild a non-integer...

when you define things that do not exist in nature (such as numbers...both 1 and 2 are concepts, not physical entities) you cannot make assumptions about them! there's nothing to assume, they haven't existed yet, you're generating an IDEA! therefore there is nothing "assumed" about "1 + 1 = 2"...your assumption otherwise is what's irrational and emotional...

numbers are basically adjectives...they're descriptions of the things that actually exist in the universe...mathematics describe how these things interact and function...

how can you claim that such a simple equation as 1 + 1 is equal to a more complex expression such as 2 + (739468 / 100000...) ?

and how do you make that exact measurement on an idea that has no physical existence?

abstraction: numbers

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:46 am
by Eksvplot_Archive
kerble wrote:
Andrew L. wrote:Trivia question: When did the number zero first enter western/European mathematics?

1979, dude.


abstraction: numbers

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:01 am
by hart_Archive
robert thefamilyghost wrote:
hart wrote:What if it's slightly off? What if 1 + 1 = 2.000000000000000000000000000000000...(etc, you don't need to mess up the screen display to pove your point)

numbers are an assume there's a "measurement" error in their defined integer states is to assume they actually exist in a manner that can be deviated definition the addition function, when applied between two integers, cannot yeild a non-integer...

when you define things that do not exist in nature (such as numbers...both 1 and 2 are concepts, not physical entities) you cannot make assumptions about them! there's nothing to assume, they haven't existed yet, you're generating an IDEA! therefore there is nothing "assumed" about "1 + 1 = 2"...your assumption otherwise is what's irrational and emotional...

numbers are basically adjectives...they're descriptions of the things that actually exist in the universe...mathematics describe how these things interact and function...

how can you claim that such a simple equation as 1 + 1 is equal to a more complex expression such as 2 + (739468 / 100000...) ?

and how do you make that exact measurement on an idea that has no physical existence?

Wow. That's a damn fine response. Hat's off.

I suppose the idea would be this. If 1 + 1 really equalled... slightly more than 2... then you could gather a whole bunch of apples, and after a WHOLE lot of apple gathering, you would actually have one more apple than you would have expected. Apply this notion to all of its implications (1 + 2 = 3 ... 2 x 3 = 6.... etc...) and you may find that previously supposed problems, such as entropy, don't really exist if you work the numbers right. Perceived inevitable inefficiencies- loss of energy to heat, or even "the aging process"- were merely byproducts of our faulty ability to count.

Whenever you deal with numbers, things get weird. It's like, if you have a circle and you have a center of a circle, then you will have an infinite possible number of line segments connecting the center of the circle to the outside. Then, if you have two circles side by side, the collective number of possible line segments connecting each circle's center to its respective outside will be TWICE AS GREAT an infinity (between the two circles) as the infinity in the previous example. It is even possible to do complex mathematical operations on differently sized infinities. The mere idea that some infinities are bigger than others makes my head hurt.

If one can start to fathom that some endless quanitities are greater than others, than why can't 1 + 1 = 2 be ever so slightly off?

abstraction: numbers

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:41 am
by robert thefamilyghost_Archive
hart wrote:I suppose the idea would be this. If 1 + 1 really equalled... slightly more than 2... then you could gather a whole bunch of apples, and after a WHOLE lot of apple gathering, you would actually have one more apple than you would have expected. Apply this notion to all of its implications (1 + 2 = 3 ... 2 x 3 = 6.... etc...) and you may find that previously supposed problems, such as entropy, don't really exist if you work the numbers right. Perceived inevitable inefficiencies- loss of energy to heat, or even "the aging process"- were merely byproducts of our faulty ability to count.

here! this is exactly why your assumption is wrong! i couldn't have used a better analogy myself! you're putting the numbers before the apples! numbers and mathematics don't define how thing act, create events of their own volition...they're merely used as a description after the fact has been don't pick up a million apples and then suddenly have a million and one apples...that's why adding one is merely stepping up through the integers...when you pick up an apple, adding it to the others is asking "is this an apple?" to which the answer is yes or no (1 or 0), it's a binary answer other than the binary "yes" or "no" even makes sense in this case...(of course, with apples, a physical entity, you might pick up an apple that's been half-eaten by worms or a deer, but it's up to your decision on what defines an apple...i would personally choose "no" and leave such an "apple" on the ground...but this limitation in the analogy clearly shows the difference between numbes and what they apple is not the number one...apples are not pure, apples are real things that rot and are digested and are chemically broken down and reformed into various other objects...numbers are pure, numbers are not real things...numbers don't change..."one" describes an apple much like "red" would...anyway...) since "apple" in this analogy is merely a variable, let's bring this back to the real of mathematics..."apple" may very well be "x"...

actually, i was about to do a pseudo proof using x's and saying something about for what you suppose to be true at certain times x would have to have different other words x does not equal x...but then i realized the whole time i could have done the following:

suppose: 1 + 1 = 2.00074535 (or whatever)
1 = 2.00074535 - 1 = 1.00074535
therefore 1 = 1.00074535

your whole proposal is really just a childish game in which you're playing with definitions..."equals" doesn't mean "equals," "2" doesn't mean "2," "1" doesn't mean "1"...

hart wrote:If one can start to fathom that some endless quanitities are greater than others, than why can't 1 + 1 = 2 be ever so slightly off?

as far as this, "endless quantity" is an oxymoron...