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Porkpie Hats

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:28 pm
by Mayfair_Archive
tmidgett wrote:don't get me wrong

i wear the hats

i just don't wear them all the fuckin' time, which is how often i should wear them given how fond i am of these hats

So does that make you a 'collector of hats', one that collects hats, a person with a hat collection? How do you store them? Do you have many hat racks in your home? Those styrophone heads?

Nobody has brought up the issue of hat hair once you wear the hat in question. If I put one on, I would have to then wear it all day due to the mashing down of my hair to my head, unless I want to look like a new born baby.


(I love this thread.)

Porkpie Hats

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:31 pm
by Mayfair_Archive
"styrofoam". Damn spellcheck!

Porkpie Hats

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:37 pm
by tmidgett_Archive
So does that make you a 'collector of hats', one that collects hats, a person with a hat collection? How do you store them? Do you have many hat racks in your home? Those styrophone heads?

no...i just buy hats i like and as a result they accumulate

i see the hat and think 'rad--i like that hat.' so i buy it, and wear it every now and again, but not as often as i SHOULD if i like it so much.

i just pile them up on a shelf. except for one very nice 5X fur felt cowboy hat, most of them are not expensive pieces of headwear.

Nobody has brought up the issue of hat hair once you wear the hat in question. have to have a sticking-up-in-the-front kind of hair thing to get away from hat head. or be a longhair.

my wife may be a factor, not to put too fine a point on things. i mean, i would probably wear my furgora kangol bin hat every day if she wasn't around to tell me i'm not black and i look ridiculous in it.

Porkpie Hats

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:21 pm
by Redline_Archive
Is it cooler to wear a hat if you're NOT a "baldie?"

Porkpie Hats

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:17 pm
by yawn_Archive
They have all kinds of hat's for people with big chefs (up to size eight and a half) on the internet if you just type in "big head hats" pork pies, kangols, civil war, baseball, fedoras etc.. and most of them are real quality, not like some Shaqgear doll lookin' shit. I have a big ass head as well. I'm six four or five though.Havin' a big head can be kind of weird, though I think I'd rather have a big one than like some people you see who are like seven feet tall and have the head of a toddler. They've done research on intellegence ratio and while inclusive they have found that the bigger the head the more cells you can get away with burnin' so maybe the Scotch Guard and whippets weren't so bad after all(scotchguard always made me feel like I was wakling on wet carpet and the whippets made me feel like Mr. Ed.

Porkpie Hats

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 3:44 pm
by Mayfair_Archive
Redline wrote:Is it cooler to wear a hat if you're NOT a "baldie?"

Hey, what ever happened to that keyboard player from Night Ranger anyway? Is he still at it ? (hat wearing, that is...not music making.)

Porkpie Hats

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 3:37 pm
by instant_zen_Archive
thank you guys so much for answering my question.

and i am most certainly NOT going to cicero to talk to the skins... first off, i'd get lost on my way there, secondly, non-SHARP skins would probably kick my ass.