What s up with Lawrence Kansas?

Replay is pretty cool. Caught Wesley Willis (and an interesting group by the name Sonic Douche) & a couple headbutts before he passed. They usually have DJs playing funk 45s or rocking 8-tracks on the weekends in the outdoor, beer garden area. Mildly hipster-ish, but cheapest PBR in town.

The Outhouse is unfortunately (or fortunately) a BYOB strip club now. It's quite an experience, & I recommend one trip for everyone.

But ONE is all you need.

What s up with Lawrence Kansas?

Okay yall, who's better?


My vote is on Bukowski. Ham On Rye may be my all time favorite autobiography/novel.

i like all the bukowski books

quite a lot

more than i would think i would like them if someone just described them to me, that is for sure

but i think wm. burroughs was 'the man'

if he is second to anyone among writers of the last century, it's vlad nabokov

lawrence, ks, well, i guess it's probably ok!?

What s up with Lawrence Kansas?

I've been watching this thread with some interest the past couple of days.
I live in kc and used to spend much of my time in lawrence when my friends went to school there.

The replay is a small small place that does get some great bands to play. It pretty much always sounds like crap in there but hey, they have the best jukebox ever.

If your band is touring through there. I highly recommend stopping by Love Garden (a kick ass record store).

...For all you Panel Donor fans..... Brandon Aiken is playing in a knew band with members ex-members of Giants Chair and Proudentall. It is Panel Donorish with some 70's rock thrown in. I will be recording this band sometime in the future.


What s up with Lawrence Kansas?

b wrote:The replay is a small small place that does get some great bands to play. It pretty much always sounds like crap in there but hey, they have the best jukebox ever..

I prefer the Taproom's jukebox, but the Replay's is also quite nice

b wrote:If your band is touring through there. I highly recommend stopping by Love Garden (a kick ass record store).

Agreed. Bastards got 80 of my dollars just last week. Don't step on the cats.

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