rocco wrote:I don't know much about el84's but aren't you biasing them too hot? Most people say to bias between 50 and 70 percent of max plate dissipation and for an el84 its 12watts. If you've got it at 21watts a side, then its 10.5 per tube which is close to 90%. Can they be run like this or do they burn out quickly?
It's "Class-A" (like the AC30 supposedly is) so the tubes idle at full, right? It's cathode-biased, so I'm not biasing them myself. There's no internal adjustment either, short of actually changing the values of stock resistors.
The tubes I took out of there are unlabeled and it wouldn't surprise me if they're the original tubes from when the amp was made (I found out from the factory checklist inside the chassis it was made on my birthday in 1995! So neat!). The guy I bought the amp from apparently had no tech and was not himself gear-savvy at all... because there were two issues with the amp that he graciously mentioned in the eBay auction... the "power on" LED was pushed inside the chassis and was barely visible, and one of the input jacks wasn't working.
Once the chassis was taken out (like 7 screws) and the soldering iron warmed up, it took me all of about one minute to fix both problems. So I'm guessing if he couldn't get stuff that simple taken care of, he probably wasn't dropping in new tubes either. Who knows?
Anyway, I only replaced them cause I figured it was probably due... I played it for many months with no problems at all before popping in the new tubes. And so far, they're slightly gassy (just a touch of blue glow in a couple of them) but haven't shown any signs of weirdness after a couple hours of runtime during biasing and another several hours of actual play. The amp sounds great, always has, and I have no complaints so far with the new tubes. If they fry out quick, then I'll know that something's whack.
I wonder also if the 1-ohm resistor in the bias meter (a Weber BiasRite) isn't tweaking out the readings somehow, too. Pretty much all of my tube-tech experience has been with fixed/variable bias amps, not cathode-biased... so my numbers might be messed up in the first place. But as long as they're consistent on the two halves of the OT, I'll sleep easy.
And hey, any info about testing the bias of a cathode-biased 4xEL84 amp would be great. If I'm going about it all wrong, I wanna know!