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Ian MacKaye s new side project?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:19 pm
by toomanyhelicopters_Archive
somebody should let him know that the vowels aren't really what convey the sounds that make up words... it's the exact opposite, actually.

tht's wh y cn tll wht ths mns
u o a i ea


thats why you can tell what this means
but not what this means

that's why metrics like ALCONS are used to evaluate speech intelligibility. just sayin, educational stuff is supposed to be about facts, right? poor, poor children, being fed this deliberate misinfomation campaign by ian cause he's so prejudiced against consonants. tsk tsk. :P

i'm just poking fun here. i know little kids wouldn't really like songs about ALCONS.

Ian MacKaye s new side project?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 5:07 pm
by bent_christian_Archive
Haha, that was hillarious! Ian's writing hardcore for children. Pretty cool.