Film: The Devil and Daniel Johnston
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:18 pm
I watched it about a month ago and was quite taken with it though I guess that I might have a different take on it because I actually work with the mentally and physically disabled...
I think that maybe Daniel was kind of set up for a fall on a couple of occasions during the the movie, and I found it kinda uncomfortable. I guess that it was 'nice' to get Daniel and Kathy (was that her name?) to meet again, but it kinda seemed that the cameraman and co. were ready (and kinda hoping) for something explosive to happen. When he kept hugging her and asking her to get married I was waiting for some kind of insane incident. It really must have been mind warping for Daniel, and that's not always good. Just imagine how many more people would want to watch this movie if he did something 'crazy.'
I agree with Andrew L. that it was true to Daniel doing the dancing around in the stained t-shirt thing. After seeing the movies from his childhood, it was very much in character... as if he never grew up.
What the hell was with the King Kong thing at the end? No mention of the movie he went to Africa(?) for... Just a home movie of him and his dad goofing around and a reasonably funny interview from a very annoying TV host. Actually, that 'king kong' and 'ghost' clip were the only things that slightly bugged me... It was a bit too drawn out for the sake of Daniel doing something 'goofy for the camera.'
Overall, I'd say that it's a thought provoking movie even for people who don't like his music... or even for those who don't like music at all. He's a very special case were he documented most of his life on multiple mediums and KEPT them. It's an amazing story.
BTW, "1990" was my very favorite DJ album. If I'm in a weakened (drunk, broken up with girlfriend etc.) state, some of those songs can still make me cry.
Not Crap
I think that maybe Daniel was kind of set up for a fall on a couple of occasions during the the movie, and I found it kinda uncomfortable. I guess that it was 'nice' to get Daniel and Kathy (was that her name?) to meet again, but it kinda seemed that the cameraman and co. were ready (and kinda hoping) for something explosive to happen. When he kept hugging her and asking her to get married I was waiting for some kind of insane incident. It really must have been mind warping for Daniel, and that's not always good. Just imagine how many more people would want to watch this movie if he did something 'crazy.'
I agree with Andrew L. that it was true to Daniel doing the dancing around in the stained t-shirt thing. After seeing the movies from his childhood, it was very much in character... as if he never grew up.
What the hell was with the King Kong thing at the end? No mention of the movie he went to Africa(?) for... Just a home movie of him and his dad goofing around and a reasonably funny interview from a very annoying TV host. Actually, that 'king kong' and 'ghost' clip were the only things that slightly bugged me... It was a bit too drawn out for the sake of Daniel doing something 'goofy for the camera.'
Overall, I'd say that it's a thought provoking movie even for people who don't like his music... or even for those who don't like music at all. He's a very special case were he documented most of his life on multiple mediums and KEPT them. It's an amazing story.
BTW, "1990" was my very favorite DJ album. If I'm in a weakened (drunk, broken up with girlfriend etc.) state, some of those songs can still make me cry.
Not Crap