June Of '44?

Total votes: 11 (15%)
Total votes: 62 (85%)
Total votes: 73

Band: June Of 44

I think "Engine takes to the water" is one of best album of the '90...

But I can't really say it for the other things.
Anyway, just for the structures in that album I admire them really a lot.
And of couse their drummer.
But listen to what the two guitars are doing in there (try to listen to it headphones).

Really good song writing and great ideas.

Band: June Of 44

One of the most memorable shows I ever saw was June of '44 with Dianogah in a basement in Atlanta in the middle of the summer. I think it was '97 or maybe '98. They were supposed to play a matinee show at a club but they showed up too late, so an impromptu house show was thrown together and both bands played there instead. It must've been 120 degrees in the basement. I thought I would pass out. Both bands rocked and were good sports about it all.

They were definitely NOT CRAP. Perhaps a bit too stylistically derivative of their Louisville predecessors to garner a zero waffle factor, but still decidedly NOT CRAP.

Edit: Now that I think about it, Jeff Mueller was the only one from Louisville, no? I guess I shouldn't have used Louisville as a point of reference, though June of '44 definitely had a heavy Rodan/Slint/Crain thing going on.

Band: June Of 44

i, too, love everything pre-anahata. i saw them on their four great points tour. i recall an audience member, after som rather hard number, yelled "reign in blood!" to which someone in the band responded "we would totally play that but we don't have a double kick drum."
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Band: June Of 44

The Best. I get really stupid in my love for this band. The later stuff is meh, but the first record is so reliably great. Shipping News, even usually boring, I love to hear thinking that one of those dudes played on this most perfect album. Guitars, bass, drumming, singing, songs, incredible.

Not Crap!

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