Which will you save?

Total votes: 31 (40%)
Total votes: 47 (60%)
Total votes: 78

Nirvana or Fugazi

Marsupialized wrote:
Christopher_Dragon wrote:Aren't both bands more or less done already?
What are we saving them from?
Courtney Love?

Fugazi will play live concerts for me to enjoy again at some point I am certain of this.

I really really hope so, and I really really hope that it's far enough into the future so that the shows aren't overrun with aggro-assholes

Nirvana or Fugazi

Mazec wrote:
Jeremy wrote:you could have just said either/or. and you could have picked a better band to put up against fugazi.

WTF? The time machine story was far more entertaining than the regular either/or shit most people do.

And Nirvana vs Fugazi is more of a stylistic discrepancy, not necessarily a qualitative one.

ok. you've been turned into swamp thing. you have to fuck a cow or a llama. if you fuck the cow, everclear will put out a new album. if you fuck the llama, rapeman will put out a new album.
so which is it? rapeman or everclear?
tmidgett wrote:
Steve is right.

Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

I'm not being sarcastic. I'm serious.

Nirvana or Fugazi

I don't know how many other people here relied on Nirvana as a sort of "gateway" band, but I certainly did; without them I wouldn't have gotten into the Jesus Lizard, Melvins (the as always obvious connection) or even Fugazi.
I have rambled on far too long. This is an excellent question requiring some internal debate on my part which I plan to do during business class.
Fucking-boring-ass "Economic Architecture".
This is going to get worse before it gets any better.

Nirvana or Fugazi

Shotgun-Charlie wrote:I don't know how many other people here relied on Nirvana as a sort of "gateway" band, but I certainly did; without them I wouldn't have gotten into the Jesus Lizard, Melvins (the as always obvious connection) or even Fugazi.

I've heard versions of this argument a hundred times on this board, and it's time to dispense with this weak logic once and for all. Just because something constitutes the "gateway" to a bunch of good things, that doesn't necessarily make it a good thing in and of itself. The first "new wave" music I got into was The Cars; does it make them good simply because they indirectly led me to Die Kreuzen and Bad Brains? Hell, no. And while I've had many beautiful and satisfying sexual experiences, my "gateway" was boning some fat redneck chick in the woods down by the Ohio River. Should I go back and revise that experience now based on the mind-numbing sex that came after? Probably not--I was at the brink even as I slipped the condom on.

Look, I'm glad you got turned on to cool music, but there's no need, really, to romanticize the path you took in getting there. Just be glad you got there one way or another.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Fugazi.

Nirvana or Fugazi

johnnyshape wrote:

my mom got this album at a rummage sale recently, thinking it was a Fugazi recording.

she also got all these DVDs for $2 a piece -- quality shit too, like Alphaville, Hard Eight, and a various episodes of The Avengers -- but this total steal was belied by all the CDs she bought, which, in addition to that unlistenably over-produced Marillion album, included: Phish, Deep Forrest, and the Dave Matthews Band.

i said, "Mom, look, if you need new music, just ask."

Nirvana or Fugazi

fugazi is a better band. nirvana's members aren't anything special, but together they could rock pretty hard. and i really like kurt's voice. had nirvana stuck around a few more years, i'm sure they would've put out some bad music.

many of us are better off thanks to nirvana but that might be because we were the right age. i was 12 and 13 when nirvana was on top of the world -- if i was a few years older or younger i'm sure i wouldn't feel the same way about them. that's another reason the "gateway" analysis is flawed.

fugazi. nostalgia be damned.

Nirvana or Fugazi

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:
I've heard versions of this argument a hundred times on this board, and it's time to dispense with this weak logic once and for all. Just because something constitutes the "gateway" to a bunch of good things, that doesn't necessarily make it a good thing in and of itself.

Lame. Next.

This isn't Fred Durst prancing around with a Joy Division t-shirt. Nirvana went out of their way to bring underground bands into the spotlight, everyone from Flipper to the Vaselines, Meat Puppets, Big Black and so forth. Being at an impressionable age when I first got into them, when bad bands creep to you like rapists in the night, this was a godsend. Almost like they were saying, "Hey, we're alright, but these guys are ten times better than us. Check them out instead." There are enough good songs in the Nirvana catalog for them not to be saddled with the silly "gateway" tag.

Having said that, there's hardly any contest in this one. Fugazi have stuck to their guns for nearly twenty years and have consistently released good music- Nirvana were massive hypocrites that released one really good album.
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