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Book: Underworld by Don DeLillo

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:47 pm
by apl4eris_Archive
I loved it - NOT CRAP.

Small WF for the sort of meh ending, and I can see why others would not find it as compelling as I do. It is a very American novel, in that I think people from other coutries might find its self-evaluation/self-referencing boring or narcissistic. It's actually pretty openly damning. The dream of an apocalypse that's already happened and no one can admit it. Or something. It had its marshy parts that were slower-going, but the thrill of the good parts was some of the best mind-bettering I've experienced from a book.

I discovered Eisenstein and a deeper appreciation for garbage and jello with this book.

Book: Underworld by Don DeLillo

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:27 pm
by Brett Eugene Ralph_Archive
connor wrote:Hopefully Mr. BER will chime in here. He has yet to steer me wrong.

My chimes are still. Although I own a copy of this book, I have not read it, nor have I read White Noise. I've always wanted to read Libra but have yet to do so.

My relationship with Delillo is odd in that the three books I've read by him are ones no one else seems to read (or have read): End Zone (because it's about football), Great Jones Street (because it's about a Dylanesque reclusive rock star), and Running Dog (because it's about a pornographic film shot in Hitler's bunker).

I read all of these years ago, so my memory of them is dim--so dim, in fact, that I havge not been prompted to return to Delillo in the decade(s) since.

Book: Underworld by Don DeLillo

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:57 pm
by connor_Archive
It has been decided: Underworld can suck it (for now).

On to Suttree!

Thanks everyone!