Nina Nastasia in Bloomington, IN... never showed up

tmidgett wrote:The band might not seem like they mind when ten people show up, but believe me, they kinda mind. It wears on you after a while.

heh heh... hey Tim! psyched to see y'all tonight! i wonder what time you go on (i have a lot of booking to do...)

re: small turnouts wearing on you, you can say that again! i thought of SKWM when i played here Monday to the 2 women behind the counter, the guy that booked the show, and a woman reading a book who left after 1.5 songs (made me think of G. COSLOY's line about SKWM not getting the recognition y'all deserved was the biggest regret of his career). luckily i haven't played many shows with SUCH disastrous turnouts as Monday, but i definitely agree that such moments make you ask yrself if it's really worth all of the effort.

ok, enough crying in my water bottle! to tonight! yes sir!!!

Nina Nastasia in Bloomington, IN... never showed up

jayryan wrote:i saw nina last night at electrical.

the band told me that the bloomington promoter had totally flaked on them, and that they were super bummed out to not be able to play. they got a hotel room in chicago.

they were not in bloomington.

As an outside, I feel like i'm getting two stories here. The impression I get from the aboved is that the band thought the promoter flaked, and if the promoter flakes the show isn't happening.

The other impression is that the band didn't like the job the promoter was doing and just didn't show up even though they knew there was still a show.

To me, those are two totally different scenarios. I can't tell from these posts what actually happened.

Ben Adrian

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