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sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:19 pm
by larsro_Archive
thanks for the feedback nihil & oucheh!
i found a band for Denver! thanks garble...
otherwise, here's how it's looking:
10.11.06 Practice Space, Ames IA w/ Adrian ORANGE + Child Slave Rebellion & Lake
10.13.06 24/7 Club, Fort Campbell KY
10.15.06 Super Happy Fun Land, Houston TX
10.20.06 Lil Joe's Tavern, Shreveport LA
10.23.06 Quixotes, Denver CO w/ The Love Letter Band
10.27.06 SOS / Elija's, Bismarck ND
10.28.06 The Merkin, Hays KS
11.05.06 The Airliner, Lincoln Heights CA
11.10.06 Last Drop (definitely unconfimed), London ON
11.11.06 The Roadhouse (definitely unconfimed), Odessa TX
11.20.06 ?, San Diego CA
11.21.06 ?, Ventura CA
having lots of fun. egads - when house shows get it right, they get it right. Adrian ORANGE a.k.a. Thanksgiving, Lake, & Davan all kick arse (if yr machismo is tone-down-able).
fill holes! fill holes! (til 15 Nov.) gracias! lovelars
sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:59 pm
by larsro_Archive
hello again EAers!
sfu-ma-to U$/Canadian tour #2 strikes again! (or is it #3 now? numbers schmumbers...)
my band / one-man-plus-indie-rock-project - sfu*ma*to - is now touring from the West to the East these days (now til circa early April). if you have any suggestions/feedback and/or want to throw a house show, please let me know.
this is how it looks so far:
10 Feb. 07 3 Kings Tavern, Denver CO
13 Feb. 07 Super Happy Fun Land, Houston TX
17 Feb. 07 400 Bar, Minneapolis MN
23 Feb. 07 Upfront and Company, Marquette MI
24 Feb. 07 Diamond Star House, Kalamazoo MI w/ Adonta Ta Mele, Proxy Kicky Tricks
05 March 07 Club Passim, Cambridge MA w/ David ROVICS (unconfirmed)
10 March 07 Vox Pop, Brooklyn NYC w/ David ROVICS
if any of you fellow musicians dig our music - - and are in a position to tour (even if it's only for a show or 2) and would be interested in contributing some drums or bass or cello or another geetar or more vocals, let me know. (Lisa GAMBLE of Thundrah!/occasional Tra La La Choir member of Montreal will hopefully join me for some of the touring - we'll see...)
cheers, muchos gracias, ****lars
sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:47 pm
by rayj_Archive
If you got a hankerin' for some Seattle helpin', let me know.
sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:03 pm
by larsro_Archive
hey RayJ!
rayj wrote:If you got a hankerin' for some Seattle helpin', let me know.
thanks so much! the original plan was just to zig-zag East, but i'm now waiting to hear back from (insert band name here) about whether i can open for them for some West & East Coast dates, so if all goes brilliantly, i'll be opening for them @ Neumo's in March! exciting - me fingers are crossed & re-crossed.
a heads up to touring bands btw - although i recommend the 3 Kings Tavern in Denver (where i played last night), my cut of the door was pretty disappointing considering i had travelled 24 hours East from L.A. via Greyhound to play, and considering the turnout was quite impressive. alas, it was better than Quixotes last time... feel free to recommend yr favourite Denver venue for next time we come $tate$ide...
sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:48 pm
by rayj_Archive
Cool! Neumo's main sound guy is named Scotty. He is cool, and he has the kick drum dialed in nicely...
sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:18 pm
by larsro_Archive
quick update:
15 Feb. 07 Super Happy Fun Land, Houston TX
17 Feb. 07 400 Bar, Minneapolis MN
21 Feb. 07 Paradigm Coffeshop, Sheboygan WI (philosophy, not music!)
23 Feb. 07 Upfront and Company, Marquette MI
24 Feb. 07 Diamond Star House, Kalamazoo MI w/ Adonta Ta Mele, Proxy Kicky Tricks
05 March 07 Club Passim, Cambridge MA w/ David ROVICS (unconfirmed)
10 March 07 Vox Pop, Brooklyn NYC w/ David ROVICS (unconfirmed)
the Houston show has been moved to Thursday thanks to unfortunate hitchhiking developments. Sheboygan is me diving into a Philosophy Group meeting there. the Cambridge & Brooklyn shows will hopefully end up getting dropped because a certain high-profile post-rock-ish band (whose name i won't reveal at the moment due to the sensitive nature of the classified information) will hopefully have me opening for them on the West Coast during that week, and then the East Coast a bit later...
cheers from Pueblo CO, lovelars
sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:11 pm
by dlayphoto_Archive
If you're in Iowa, try getting a date at the Vaudeville Mews, in Des Moines. It has a pretty much built-in indie crowd.
sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:47 am
by larsro_Archive
thanks dlayphoto! i'll try them again, but their booker seems intent on ignoring me.
so i didn't get the opening slots for the illustrious band from the North. oh well, no Seattle or West Coast for sfu ma to anytime soon. that means the Brooklyn show is happening, and i'm waiting to hear back about the Cambridge MA one. arrived here in Minneapolis too late to play the show Saturday, so i'm hoping they'll add me to the bill this Tuesday.
feel free to help us fill in ye gaping holes!
20 Feb.? 07 400 Bar, Minneapolis MN (unconfirmed)
21 Feb. 07 Paradigm Coffeshop, Sheboygan WI (philosophy, not music!)
23 Feb. 07 Upfront and Company, Marquette MI w/ Flat Broke Blues Band & Slipt
24 Feb. 07 Diamond Star House, Kalamazoo MI w/ Adonta Ta Mele, Proxy Kicky Tricks
03 March 07 Empty Bottle, Chicago IL (Molto Amore: A Salut! to Silkworm) w/ Chris BROKAW, .22, Century Rocket Building, *joesepi*, Push-Pull, The Asunders, The Kyle Sowashes, The Chrome Robes, & more!
05 March 07 Club Passim, Cambridge MA w/ David ROVICS & Lars DIN (unconfirmed)
10 March 07 Vox Pop, Brooklyn NYC w/ David ROVICS & Lars DIN
gracias Mr. SEPI!
sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:49 pm
by larsro_Archive
hello! good news - the holes are less gaping...
03 March 07 Permanent Records, Chicago IL (free instore, circa 14:00)
03 March 07 Empty Bottle, Chicago IL (Molto Amore: A Salut! to Silkworm) w/ Chris BROKAW, .22, Century Rocket Building, *joesepi*, Push-Pull, The Asunders, The Kyle Sowashes, The Chrome Robes, The Family Ghost, & more!
04 March 07 The Klinic, Madison WI w/ Your Best Friend
05 March 07 Big V's, St. Paul MN w/ Your Best Friend & 5 other bands
06 March 07 The Casbah, Ottumwa IA w/ Your Best Friend
10 March 07 Vox Pop, Brooklyn NYC w/ David ROVICS & Lars DIN
14 March 07 Lee's Palace, Toronto ON - a benefit for Forest Ethics w/ Lila ROSE, Randwiches, Proxy Kicky Tricks, & ?
still seeking Montreal, Cambridge/Boston, Manhattan, Philadelphia, & Washington D.C. houseshows/shows, gracias,
sfu*ma*to - U$-Can. tour #2 - sincerely requests yr help!
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:58 pm
by larsro_Archive