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Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:42 am
by sparky_Archive
madmanmunt wrote:K on K is a great read even if you don't like his films. Just the bit about him getting out of going into the army is worth it.

This is an excellent story!

To get out of the army, he went for an interview with an ary psychiatrist (I think) and was asked about what he had done the other day. Kieslowski then talked described how he had replaced a plug in his flat in minute detail: "first I went to my toolbox to find the right screwdriver, then..." Just describing how he replaced a plug managed to persuade the authorities that he was mentally unfit for service.

I don't find his outlook bleak. On the contrary, I feel his films represent a certain strain of tender humanism

Fair point. I mean to say that his personal outlook was bleak, which filtered into his style of representation. But you're right, his films do hold out a lot of hope and humanism, which gives them a balance. Life is hard and full of impossible questions, but it is manageable, and can be beautiful.

Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:10 pm
by emmanuelle cunt_Archive
i'm truly ashamed i'm familiar with one of his movies (blue) as i loved it.

2 years ago i was walking around at a cementary and saw this:

very nice.

Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:17 pm
by GuyMercier_Archive
emmanuelle cunt wrote:i'm truly ashamed i'm familiar with one of his movies (blue) as i loved it.

well, it's a truly reactionary view of catholicism
which itself is the epitome of reactionary
the heroin is such an awful bourgeois asshole...

total CRAP

very nice.

I think you are obsessed with vagina symbolism

Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:36 pm
by emmanuelle cunt_Archive
GuyMercier wrote:
emmanuelle cunt wrote:i'm truly ashamed i'm familiar with one of his movies (blue) as i loved it.

well, it's a truly reactionary view of catholicism
which itself is the epitome of reactionary
the heroin is such an awful bourgeois asshole...

total CRAP

very nice.

I think you are obsessed with vagina symbolism

square shaped vagina! on a grave! french people are unbelievable!

Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:40 pm
by gio_Archive
GuyMercier wrote:
emmanuelle cunt wrote:i'm truly ashamed i'm familiar with one of his movies (blue) as i loved it.

well, it's a truly reactionary view of catholicism
which itself is the epitome of reactionary
the heroin is such an awful bourgeois asshole...

total CRAP

wait, wait, wait...

the portrayal of a "bourgeouis asshole" as a character in a film means the director is crap?

that's news to me.

besides, she suffers a great deal in the film... some of which are the side-effects of a bourgeois lifestyle (finding out her husband was unfaithful, etc)... so maybe you missed a chance to relish that.

KK made awesome films (whether or not you sympathize with the characters).

Try "Amator"... you might be able to stomach that one. The protagonist is a member of the proletariat.

not crap.

Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:26 pm
by GuyMercier_Archive
emmanuelle cunt wrote:square shaped vagina! on a grave! french people are unbelievable!

you think it's an L7 tribute ?

Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:32 pm
by GuyMercier_Archive
gio wrote:the portrayal of a "bourgeouis asshole" as a character in a film means the director is crap?

as a hero ? certainly
all this woman has for problems is...
finding out her husband was unfaithful, etc)...
KK made awesome films (whether or not you sympathize with the characters).

yes, "white" is great

but, hey, do you remember that little old lady struggling to get her glass bottle in the correct trash container ? that was so stoopid!

and do you remember the closing credits which says "oh all those pervert homos are going to die from god's given aids", that was really something out of this secular world

but, "white" is truly great.

Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:55 pm
by Eierdiebe
242sumner wrote:kieslowski has reached a much higher level than Wenders.

i think Wenders' 70s stuff is really top-notch. ever seen The Goalies' Anxiety At The Penalty Kick, or Wrong Move, or Alive In The Cities? those and Paris, Texas are pretty fucking impressive, thanks in no small part to the EXCELLENT cinematography of Robby Muller. this dude is to the killer interior car shot what albini is to the bombastic roomy drum sound. Kieslowksi had some good cinematographers too though. (word on the street is, if you wanna do learn good cinematography, Poland is the place.)

i would like to see the earlier Kieslowksi films like Camera Buff and Blind Chance. i kinda have the feelign that the Three Colors triology is a bit watered down in comparison. like, for instance, that part in Red in which somebody throws a rock through the ex-judge's window and he puts it on the table, and then the camera makes this really overly-obvious zoom so that we can see that several rocks have been hurled at him. that part makes me cringe everytime i see it.

woah, a hot jewsih girl just walked by. i need to get busy with a jewish woman at some point. my big nose requires it.

anyway, i don't think Kieslowski was an atheist, he just wasn't religious. there an interview on the last Dekalogue DVD, in Poland, for Tv, with Keislowksi and he's tlakign to polish film people and he says so, that he's not an atheist, that he beleives (beleived?) in somesorta god.

Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:57 pm
by Eierdiebe
GuyMercier wrote:and do you remember the closing credits which says "oh all those pervert homos are going to die from god's given aids", that was really something out of this secular world

are you jokign? it seems you are. this is the one film of that triology i haven't seen.

Movie Director:Krzysztof Kieslowski

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:24 am
by GuyMercier_Archive
Eierdiebe wrote:are you jokign? it seems you are. this is the one film of that triology i haven't seen.

well, do not see it because I am not joking

"red" sucks too
but I forgot why...