Shitty songs on otherwise great records

burun wrote:
AAAAAAAARGH wrote:"Ashtray Heart" on Doc at the Radar Station (expecting some shit for this)

I respectfully disagree.

I am sure someone's going to say "Beyond Repair" from Blueblood but honestly, I don't think it's that bad.

"Who wants to fall in love with a whore?
Not me
or you
Least of all, Winnie the Pooh"

I will nominate
Hot Freaks - Bee Thousand
The last songs on Sister and Evol

Shitty songs on otherwise great records

Let's see:

"We Will Fall" off of The Stooges

Understandable. I like it m'self, but understandable.

"The Crunge" off of Houses of the Holy

See above.

"Life is Cheap" off of Generic Flipper

You are out of your fucking mind.

"Touch Too Much" off of Highway to Hell

Erm...never heard this. I need to listen to way more AC/DC.

"When You Awake" off of The Band (I don't really hate this song, the chorus just annoys the shit out of me)

See Life Is Cheap response.

"Ooby Dooby" off of Cosmo's Factory

See AC/DC except with CCR in place of AC/DC.

"The Battle of Evermore" off of Zoso

Great song. Dude! Four Sticks sucks way more than this one. So does Going to California.

"Ecstasy" off of Power, Corruption and Lies

In total agreement.

every goth song from 154

I like the bass solo section of "A Touching Display," but otherwise pretty much right on. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Shitty songs on otherwise great records

Now for a couple of my own selections:

Sentimental Journey on The Modern Dance (uuauguhhuhghghghghhhhh...and then Davey breaks another dish! ART MAKES ME ROCK OUT! uh not)

The Chrome Plated Megaphone of Destiny on We're Only In It For The Money (six minutes of Zappa farting through a bullhorn)

Moonchild on In the Court of the Crimson King (doiingnngnggggg...for ten minutes after the original shitty song had ended...)

Hobo Chang Ba on Trout Mask Replica (look, I listened to this album on repeat for four times in a row once in high school, and I wonder why I had no girlfrie-and this song still sucked goats every time)

Dirt on Dirt (yes, I like Alice in Chains, fuck you)

Strange Things on Atomizer (sorry...not shitty, per se, but certainly unnecessary...c'mon man you had The Crack Up and Every Man For Himself in the vaults by that time! ...didn't you?)

If 6 Was 9 on Axis: Bold as Love (simply rodent phelgm - Jimi sleeptalking while the Experience dicks around for five minutes)

Take Thy Stethoscope And Walk on Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (Choke on bread! Underfed! kids banging on pots make better music than this)

Peking O on Tago Mago (YAAHAHAHHAH!!! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! and somehow this is art, right?)

Factory Girl on Beggars Banquet (the music is great but Mick's vocals are a disgrace)

Don't Sell Your Dreams on Y (six minutes where NOTHING HAPPENS!!! WHEE!!!)

Lonesome Cowboy Bill on Loaded (Yeah! Let's listen to Doug Yule sing a C/W cheeseball and try NOT to puke!)

Changes on Vol. 4 (Where Black Sabbath suddenly experience erectile dysfunction)

that's a good list.
Last edited by SecondEdition_Archive on Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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