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How much bass do you put in a mix?
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 12:12 pm
by brian_Archive
i agree with steve's statement that you shouldn't approach something based on
what it might sound like on another system. however, it seems like based
on the information from tim's post, you could approach mixing in a way
that is more quantitative than just "be sure to listen at different volumes."
an engineer approaches the input to their system in a certain way.
would it make sense to mix at a certain level so that you're getting
some uniformity from the end of mixing to mastering from project to
How much bass do you put in a mix?
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:04 am
by darktowel_Archive
Usually when i'm doing a mix, I'll dump it on a cd and listen to it in tha car.
Great music will sound great on ANY equipment. so...don't worry. I personally like to roll of a little bass. I think high register is less apreciated than low end. what a shame. This has a lot to do with the constrainds of digital audio. Unless your listening back to analogue, of course!
I also agree that the use of the complete sound spectrum is just stupid. try narrowing things down a little; a good example is the drum sound on early soul music. This sorta sound works great with a certain high register to make a little contrast. I go as far a recording my own guitarparts using a bandpassfilter wich i've build myself. Now i always sit in my own place in the mix or live sound. greetings chaps
How much bass do you put in a mix?
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:27 pm
by Frances Miranda_Archive
Low end forever will be the holy grail to some and not to others.For a new guy in this crazy recording world I hope to one day command low end to hit that getto blaster just right!
some of my favorite records fall short of bumping! but the songs and vibe out shine any low end problem in my book.I have mixed on NS-10's for about 4yrs and have almost (take it easy guys and gals)figured out how much low end my NS-10's in my mixing room will sound and how well it will transfer out side studio.
Spent 4 months building this room to make sure it would hold up well years later and thank god I have not had to see another homedepot again as far as correcting any low freq boost in this room.
low end will always be a work in progress but god bless Zep for giving us a great reference of bad ass low end you can buy and play anywhere!
record it right and it will sound amazing in your car or mom's house.
Nirvana kicks it out,ramones rule,cheap trick live kills!ACDC back in Black! FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!
thats the kinda of low end I want.