Chi, Ki, Qui - whatever
Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:42 am
Now these Chinese types are bright but as far as I know there is no scientific evidence for this Chi energy. (no mainstream scientific evidence anyway. It does sound very similar to Reich's Orgone life energy, force - whatever)
New scientific discoveries aren't mainstream. Einstein's theories weren't mainstream before he presented them. What's the alternative to "mainstream scientific evidence"? If Chi energy is real, can it be empirically demonstrated?
I would argue that Reich's Orgone "discovery" is pseudo-science, but please correct me if you know of evidence to the contrary.
The human body has paths that chi flows along.
What precisely is chi? Can it be measured? If not, why not? Is it science, or religion, or something else?
There is nothing supernatural about it.
If it's not supernatural, then it can be empirically proven to exist, right? If not, why not?
Matter = energy = chi.
Matter and energy can be shown scientifically to exist. Can chi? If not, why not?
Chinese medicine works.
Could you please provide an example of a specific ailment that Chinese medicine undoubtedly can cure/treat?
Psychology is obviously massively significant and I am pretty sure that people can psychosomatically affect their own bodies
True. Scientists and those with little faith in science agree that there is a mind body connection.
Of course, Western medicine does not recognize things such as Qi because it is not inherent in our thought system.
I don't understand this. Western medicine only recognizes things "inherent in our thought system?" Was the polio vaccine inherent in our thought system? Organ transplants?
The more I read about advanced science, such as Quantum Mechanics/Theory, the more I see that our universe is one that we are not even close to understanding correctly.
May I ask what it means to understand something "correctly"? Is what you've read about Quantum Mechanics correct, or incorrect, or something else?