I'd like to see evidence that mercury in vaccines causes autism; if anyone has any, please post it.
Here is a Wikipedia article covering this hotly contested issue.
Here's a CBS/AP
article that says there is no proven link:
There is no evidence that a controversial mercury-based vaccine preservative causes autism, concludes an eagerly anticipated scientific review that says it's time to lay vaccine suspicions to rest and find the real culprit.
Tuesday's conclusion by the prestigious Institute of Medicine was a blow to parents of autistic children who blame vaccination for the brain disorder and are pushing for more research of the issue.
But the Institute of Medicine's panel of prominent scientists pointed to five large studies, here and in Denmark, Sweden and Britain that tracked thousands of children since 2001 and found no association between autism and thimerosal.
While high doses of mercury can cause neurologic damage, there's no evidence that this type of damage causes the symptoms specific to autism -- and no laboratory or animal research that proves how the much smaller amounts in thimerosal could do so, either, the IOM concluded.
Again, if anyone has any solid evidence (and remember, correlation does not imply causation, as the cliche goes), that links mercury in vaccines to autism, please cite it.