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pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:19 pm
by oucheh_Archive
Germ War wrote:It's going to be a long and interesting season.

With Sidney Ponson & Ramon Ortiz pitching for your team it certainly will be.


pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:35 pm
by mrdfnle_Archive
circusking wrote:Mets p/c reported a while ago. The Met's will destroy the Yankees again this year.



pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:04 pm
by field_Archive, can't wait. Got to see some cactus leage a couple years back, that was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. Watching ball in 75 degree weather while I knew my cohorts were dealing with teens back in WI.


pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:21 pm
by Germ War_Archive
oucheh wrote:
Germ War wrote:It's going to be a long and interesting season.

With Sidney Ponson & Ramon Ortiz pitching for your team it certainly will be.


Yeah, and Carlos Silva, AGAIN. I definitely don't feel very comfortable about the Twins pitching staff after Santana, but I'm hoping Bonser will continue to be solid and that Garza will develop into the type of pitcher he seems destined to be (he's still young and ascended through the ranks from A ball last season).

pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:24 pm
by vockins_Archive
AlBStern wrote:
vockins wrote:
circusking wrote:The Met's will destroy the Yankees again this year.

I don't understand. Especially the "again" part. That really doesn't make sense.

Maybe he just thinks Tigers is spelled M-e-t-s.
Maybe Kenny Rogers is still retarded.

Seriously, enjoy Gary Sheffield. I am being completely sincere. I have to tell you how serious I am in every sentence of this paragraph because I don't think most people will believe that sentiment is genuine. But it is. He is great - honestly. Except in the outfield he's not so great, but with the bat he is great. Perhaps in this season's Tigers fandom you might find Gary Sheffield and have him sign a ball for me that reads, "Vockins - Don't be a fucking pussy. Your Pal, Gary Sheffield."

pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:58 pm
by Tree_Archive
Hexpane wrote:The Red Sox are ready to PWN, how can you deny Josh Beckett's 5.09 ERA and giving up the most HRs in the league and he did it in the AL East? Thats like pitching a 0.85 ERA w/ 4 HRs total in the NL!

And watch out for Curt Schilling, I believe he just finished his level 80 epic in Everquest II, and at age 58 w/ half an ankle he is going to mow down the likes of Vernon Wells, Abreu and whoever else wants to try and hit off him.

Dont forget that Theo can take center stage now as cheesey wanna be cover band dolt now that Arroyo has gone to Cincy and the musically adept of that city have embraced his John Mayer knock offs as only Cincy can. Arroyo has even cried about how the Bosox wanted him to focus less on his bad music and more on pitching. The guy racked up 11 losses in the NL and the reds are acting like he is the next Pedro.

Lastly you must fear JD Drew and his 19HRs in the NL! quite the force, we all know how mean mashers like Drew I expect him to easily top 19HRs this year, possibly even as high as 22! Worth every penny, even w/ a bad shoulder and the wimpy attitude.

Luvs and huggles
Hexpane aka Mrs. Big Papi

Not quite vockins material, but you're certainly my favorite new member.

pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:12 pm
by circusking_Archive
vockins wrote:
circusking wrote:The Met's will destroy the Yankees again this year.

I don't understand. Especially the "again" part. That really doesn't make sense.

I just mean overall New York baseball.

pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:02 am
by hogrot_Archive
vockins wrote:Seriously, enjoy Gary Sheffield. I am being completely sincere. I have to tell you how serious I am in every sentence of this paragraph because I don't think most people will believe that sentiment is genuine. But it is. He is great - honestly. Except in the outfield he's not so great, but with the bat he is great. Perhaps in this season's Tigers fandom you might find Gary Sheffield and have him sign a ball for me that reads, "Vockins - Don't be a fucking pussy. Your Pal, Gary Sheffield."

I will miss the Shef's bat but I'm glad the Yanks were able to get some young arms out of it... from a system that's developed some good ones the past few years.

pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:09 am
by circusking_Archive
hogrot wrote:
vockins wrote:Seriously, enjoy Gary Sheffield. I am being completely sincere. I have to tell you how serious I am in every sentence of this paragraph because I don't think most people will believe that sentiment is genuine. But it is. He is great - honestly. Except in the outfield he's not so great, but with the bat he is great. Perhaps in this season's Tigers fandom you might find Gary Sheffield and have him sign a ball for me that reads, "Vockins - Don't be a fucking pussy. Your Pal, Gary Sheffield."

I will miss the Shef's bat but I'm glad the Yanks were able to get some young arms out of it... from a system that's developed some good ones the past few years.

Sheffield was super cunty and didn't deserve to be in a Yankees uniform. He may be good with a bat, but he's a bitch. Better to deal with young guys who want to be part of the team and are willing to do what it takes.

pitchers and catchers reported today

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:36 am
by hogrot_Archive
he's definitely got a selfish 'tude. and he runs (fast walks) like he has shit in his pants on balls hit into the corner.