Is there an easy way to finish a guitar body?

adam email me at
ill run you through many easy finishes , i build guitars for a living and id be happy to help but its just alot of info to post on the forum. i dont want to rob there bandwidth.

but heres some ground rules
oils= simple and durable if applied correctly
urethanes= easy but not as simple as oils. tuff as nails if used properly
nitro cellulose = a bitch to work with but will give you the vintage look.

you can get decent results with almost anything,
the key is surface prep. but im sure you knew that already.
I've got all the natural gas we could ever need

Is there an easy way to finish a guitar body?

Antero wrote:On a semi-related note, what would be the thing to put down as a first coat if I have a guitar body that I'm planning on painting? And not painting in the one-color sense, I mean painting as in throw it to an artist friend and let them go buck wild on it.

You'll want to seal it so the pores are filled it.
That can be a number of ways. If your friend isn't going to do a pro job on it - meaning, it's not going to look like one of those hair metal guitars from the 80's - you can just just a good primer. Then, sand it lightly, prime again, sand lightly again, then give to your friend.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

Is there an easy way to finish a guitar body?

alex maiolo wrote:
Antero wrote:On a semi-related note, what would be the thing to put down as a first coat if I have a guitar body that I'm planning on painting? And not painting in the one-color sense, I mean painting as in throw it to an artist friend and let them go buck wild on it.

You'll want to seal it so the pores are filled it.
That can be a number of ways. If your friend isn't going to do a pro job on it - meaning, it's not going to look like one of those hair metal guitars from the 80's - you can just just a good primer. Then, sand it lightly, prime again, sand lightly again, then give to your friend.

Awesome. Thanks for the rundown.

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

Is there an easy way to finish a guitar body?

BadComrade wrote:
UncleLed&theZepTwins wrote:my question is, when did "relic" become a verb?

When Fender realized that idiots will pay $4000 for a brand new guitar that's been tossed around, beaten with a chain, and had it's hardware rusted.

Relicing is lots of fun to do yourself.But I went too far, said 'fuck it' , and stripped the body down. Rubbed in some mineral oil . Worked out swell.
Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

Is there an easy way to finish a guitar body?

m.koren wrote:
BadComrade wrote:
UncleLed&theZepTwins wrote:my question is, when did "relic" become a verb?

When Fender realized that idiots will pay $4000 for a brand new guitar that's been tossed around, beaten with a chain, and had it's hardware rusted.

Relicing is lots of fun to do yourself.But I went too far, said 'fuck it' , and stripped the body down. Rubbed in some mineral oil . Worked out swell.

Most times it looks like shit because people expect a poly finish to act like nitro.

"Relicing" is retarded anyway. Pretentious fucks...

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