Like Jay, I'm very, very fond of 3. Devastatingly perfect. Elmo has the right advice, though: just get everything. Downer Trio has some fine, fine songs, Warm Springs Night is like a bitter, lost Crazy Horse album, but different, Blackbird rocks fiercely, and Customs has some songs that aren't just songs--they're achievements. (Sonically it's probably the most diverse he's done so far.)
For my record-buying dollar, Joel's one of the best. I could listen to his voice all day and never get tired of it.
Recommend me some Joel R.L. Phelps
12elmofreech wrote:Just buy everything.
Maurice wrote:just get everything.
3 is the only one that came out on LP (My Pal God), and Albini recorded it. It was the first one I bought, and then I got everything.
The whole world, etc.
Recommend me some Joel R.L. Phelps
133 is the only one that came out on LP
blackbird is also on vinyl.
customs may be my favorite but they are all great.
Recommend me some Joel R.L. Phelps
14elisha wiesner wrote:blackbird is also on vinyl.
I forgot.
It is not complete, though.
It doesn't include "Landslide".
You can't just delete songs from the greatest record of all time!
You can't just fuck up the track listing on the sleeve!
(Too bad you did.)
Recommend me some Joel R.L. Phelps
15You cannot go wrong starting at any point in his catalog. It is all brilliant.
If you want something loud and electric, start with Blackbird. If lap steel and multitracked saxophones are your thing, go with The Downer Trio EP (maybe my favorite song of his is that disc's "At El Paso"). If quiet acoustic songs appeal, 3 and Inland Empires are good places to start.
Warm Springs Night may be his most intense disc but I am told it is hard to find these days and so may not be the best place to start. I have a hard time picking favorites, but it was the first Joel Phelps record I heard and so it made the strongest impression on me.
If you want something loud and electric, start with Blackbird. If lap steel and multitracked saxophones are your thing, go with The Downer Trio EP (maybe my favorite song of his is that disc's "At El Paso"). If quiet acoustic songs appeal, 3 and Inland Empires are good places to start.
Warm Springs Night may be his most intense disc but I am told it is hard to find these days and so may not be the best place to start. I have a hard time picking favorites, but it was the first Joel Phelps record I heard and so it made the strongest impression on me.
Recommend me some Joel R.L. Phelps
16I agree with tommydski who wrote:It's all good stuff frankly.
I find a good introduction is the self titled EP from 1997. It has a couple of his best songs, namely 'Good Advice for Dogs'.
I am in full concert with Bradley R. Weissenberger who wrote:"Razorback" is one of my favorite songs in the world.
Recommend me some Joel R.L. Phelps
17A couple of years ago I sent Mr. JRLP an e-mail asking where the best place would be to find Warm Springs Night and the EP, since they were/still are out of print, and he sent me burned copies of them w/ extra tracks. Is that a guy or what?
Customs and Blackbird are for the rock, 3, and Inland Empires are more for the mellow. The EP is super good.
Warm Springs Night
Customs and Blackbird are for the rock, 3, and Inland Empires are more for the mellow. The EP is super good.
Warm Springs Night
Recommend me some Joel R.L. Phelps
19burun wrote:Since I never put the CD in my computer until just now, I never realized that Joel RL Phelps/Downer Trio's Customs had a "making of" video on it.
I am probably the last to know.
CD-ROMS, soooo 1990's...
Oh, and hail Satan.
Don't get chumpatized!