ant man bee wrote:Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:ant man bee wrote:Just wait until you hear the rest of the album.
The only good thing about the rest of this album is that I'll never willingly listen to it ever again.
It's absolute garbage and so is my opinion of the musicians involved in making it.
Christopher! You are no fan of Helmet or Don Cab? Damn dude!
But hey what do I know, I cannot stand robert pollard which is apparantly crazy....
Helmet wrote a great song. Then Helmet rewrote that song several times over which was bearable at best. Then Helmet tried to write a new song and sucked.
Fuck you Gramsci!
Don Caballero went from good to shit as soon as Mike Banfield left.
Robert Pollard should have stopped well over 10 years ago because then maybe I could hear a Guided By Voices song and not want to punch myself in the throat.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams