Electrical headphones and headphone amps

I've been kicking around a pair of AT K270s for a few years now. They have decent isolation, and sounded better than about 12 other similarly priced phones when I tested them at a shitty store I'd rather not name.

Most importantly they were trailed halfway around the house by a freaked out dog who couldn't figure out how to get the cord was off his tail. They still worked fine after.

I'm not crazy about the price or the 1/8" jack, though.

= Justin

Electrical headphones and headphone amps

fostex t20...not the best sound, but VERY robust, loud, and the cable is easily fixed with 1/8" male end plug..I have had 4 pairs through 3 different commercial studios, and tons of sessions driving them with a crown amp and mclure headphone boxes...

The Fostex t20s are really great. You can crank them to high hell, step on them, drop them and they won't bust. They are very comfortable and have good isolation as well. As mentioned above, the fidelity isn't great, but it's good for studio monitoring. Ive used the Fostex for over 5 years now, and Ive never seen a pair go bad (and the ones that I used were used for at least 5 years before me...)

The Sonys that have been mentioned are much to bright and brittle sounding in my opinion, and they break too easily. They have very good isolation however.

Electrical headphones and headphone amps

The Beyerdynamic headphones are great:
I've been using the DT990pro for a long time now. The 'closed' version of the 990 is the DT770pro (wich i believe has all the same qualities except the 990 is maybe a little more comfortable)
I also have a DT150. This is the 'better' verrsion of the ordinary DT100.
They provide very good isolation for musicians.
All Beyer's headphones are VERY strong (unlike those crappy sennheisers
or AKG)


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