Perhaps you're speaking of the public square in general. If so, I can assure you that there are other groups in the US that wield far more power and dominance than Christians. And that's despite the fact that the majority, 87% percent of Americans identify themselves as Christian. If you're bothered by whatever control Christians exercise in a Christian majority, then what of those far more powerful and controlling groups such as AIPAC and the ADL that represent the interests of a tiny minority?
i heard Anne Coulter say almost this exact same thing about six months ago on some "debate" (screaming match) show on Fox News. okay, the Christians are a majority. that's a given. in light of all the logocentricism in this thread, i think we can acknowledge the present Christian majority in the U.S. as fact.
to this i say: so what? who said the simple fact that they are a majority means what they are doing is right? or even that it's the best thing for our country, politically speaking? (this, of course, not being an opinion you express outwardly, but instead one that you infer in your defense of the movement. whether or not this was your intention, i cannot say, but i will argue against this intent nonetheless.)
i am a Christian. i've said this many, many times before in this forum, but i will say it again: i know all the important shit--the prayers, the creeds--by memory. i can name all the books of the bible. i taught sunday school for four years, and plummeted deeper into the bowels of God than most people could ever hope to plummet.
that having been said, i think most Christians are stupid. i don't say this in a flippant sense, but i mean truly, genuinely stupid, as in "cannot think for themselves." the problem with the Christian majority is it IS, in fact, a MINORITY being led by a few conservative fucks with an agenda. very few people in that "majority" have ever bothered to actually contemplate a few key aspects of the faith.
i'll give you my favorite example.
many people say the bible is the "infallible word of God." in other words, everything printed in the bible is good as gold, as was told from the mouth of God. well, that mouth originally spoke either Hebrew or Aramaic. then it was translated into Greek. then it was translated into Latin. then it was re-organized and parts were left out, and parts were left in. then it was translated to German, and only THEN was it translated into English.
now...if any of you have ever been to, you know that things have a tendency to get lost in translation. i can only wonder how much of the bible was lost to translation (not to mention church politics) over the course of the last few thousand years, and proceed to take everything it says with a grain of salt.
i'm not even going to guess--i'm going to assume, and assume correctly--that most (understood here to mean a majority of fifty percent or more) Christians have never ever EVER considered this. and it's one of the most basic criticisms of the religion. if most people can't get over something like this and regard it accurately, how can we expect them to translate their faith accurately in other constructs of thought, like politics?
the "Christian Majority" is, in fact, a minority. end of discussion.
(oh yeah, and Chevelle... not crap.)
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.