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Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:27 pm
by Jon_Archive
pure creativity? nah; we are living at the end of history - a post-modern world doomed to simulacreate (i do believe i just invented a word!) and recreate its past. dooom!

anyway, jl: ah, cool, i'm not alone! a friend has just about everything they've ever done but stubbornly refuses to lend me any of their stuff. cock.


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:38 am
by ppolios_Archive
The Jesus Lizard were one of the most important bands ever. At their peak no one could touch them. There was nothing like their live show. All there albums are amazing sans blue which is eh, but sonically, GOAT is tops for me. The snare on Monkey Trick sounds like a shotgun. Listen to this album on vinyl with headphones to ensure you hear the little things going on.
For their time, they didnt sound like anyone else. This record came our around the same time the "grunge" scene was getting big and they were easily distinguishable from anything else back then. Granted you can hear what their influences were but no one was really doing that at the time. I think there are a lot of bands that took something from the Jesus Lizard and made it their own. Even Shellac owes a bit to them I believe. If Goat had come out today people would have shit themselves. It is still relevant which is more than I can say for something like badmoterfinger. sorry to ramble but they are my favorite band and I am quite drunk.



Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:21 am
by johnnyshape_Archive
ppolios wrote: Listen to this album on vinyl with headphones to ensure you hear the little things going on.


awwwww, dude! you should, like, do that with Dark Side Of The Moon too...


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:40 am
by Bernardo_Archive
stewie wrote:Down was odd. Great songs, but something just didn't seem right with it. I've never been able to pin down what I think is missing.

I feel just like that. Three specific things that bother me about this album:

1. The songwriting isn't as dynamic, in terms of song structure (that's the only way I'd know how to put it).

2. The record is too long, too many songs, it's more meandering.

3. I think it sounds too polite, in terms of the recording / sonics. Not as sweaty or as heavy as the previous ones. Like the difference between Tar's "Jackson" and "Clincher", but nowhere near as extreme.

My favourite is Goat as well, but the first three full lengths can't be touched.


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:34 pm
by OneFiveFour_Archive
to continue the last point..

4. uninspired (at least compared to everything else up to that point). i'm sure they were just really exhausted at that point.

they seemed to get a second wind with 'Shot', which i feel is a pretty underrated record (i got it for 3 dollars used). at the risk of being unpopular here, i think it sounds great as well. the cleaner guitar sound works really well. i also think 'thumbscrews' is probably one of the top 3 songs they ever did.

that said, Liar overall


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:37 pm
by googacky_Archive
i'll have to thro in another vote for goat. i say that now, but then i'll go listen to head/pure and wonder if i made the right decision. it's too tough to choose with these guys. i like down a whole lot, too. it's a little cleaner, a little jazzier. goat is a great marriage of songs and production, though. it has some of the quintessential jesus lizard songs and it sounds so fucking fantastic.


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:25 pm
by derd niffer_Archive
'Goat' is my Zeppelin IV. Lady Shoes is my Stairway To Heaven. Best God Damned rock band ever. :o


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:30 pm
by Schadenfreude_Archive
Liar was the first one I ever heard, I'm a bit partial to that.


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:31 pm
by Ranxerox_Archive
Goat = #1
Head = #2
Liar = #3

Saw them live about 10 times and every show was stellar. One of the best was directly after Shot came out. I never got into that record, but their live performances of those songs were fantastic.

I miss them.



Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:46 pm
by revrantMeat_Archive
oh i cannot truly conclude the decision
but i would haveto say goat liar and head are on the same level of excellence.

but goats the best.