Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

johnnyshape wrote:Given the rampant paranoia about at the moment, I'd suggest putting pedals in your hand luggage, so you can explain them to security. You'll get them inspected one way or another. There's something about blocky metal objects, small circuit boards, and 9-volt batteries that says 'bomb' on x-ray.

When I toured in the US a few years ago, we put all the band pedals and leads in one bag. On the x-ray machine, it actually looked like a bomb. One operator nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw it, someone had their hand on a gun, but luckily we managed to be "we're British, we're sorry" enough to not get strip-searched.

In the present climate, I'd be on hand to explain things, and warn security "you might wanna look in that one" as you go through the machine.

Okay, so you've hit my paranoia bang on the head with this post. I'm next to certain that I'll get pulled, and pre-empting the search with "oh, by the way I'm carrying something that could look suspicious" fills me with a massive amount of anxiety.

Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

Rimbaud III wrote:
johnnyshape wrote:Given the rampant paranoia about at the moment, I'd suggest putting pedals in your hand luggage, so you can explain them to security. You'll get them inspected one way or another. There's something about blocky metal objects, small circuit boards, and 9-volt batteries that says 'bomb' on x-ray.

When I toured in the US a few years ago, we put all the band pedals and leads in one bag. On the x-ray machine, it actually looked like a bomb. One operator nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw it, someone had their hand on a gun, but luckily we managed to be "we're British, we're sorry" enough to not get strip-searched.

In the present climate, I'd be on hand to explain things, and warn security "you might wanna look in that one" as you go through the machine.

Okay, so you've hit my paranoia bang on the head with this post. I'm next to certain that I'll get pulled, and pre-empting the search with "oh, by the way I'm carrying something that could look suspicious" fills me with a massive amount of anxiety.

FX Pedals look really really bad when viewed by an airport x-ray machine. I bought back 2 from NZ late last year. I carried them in my hand luggage and told the people well before I put them through the machine what they were. I had to do this at Auckland and LA - both times the security people were fine with it... in AKL they were nice enough to show me on the screen how it looked like a small explosive device.

Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

B_M_L wrote:
Rimbaud III wrote:
johnnyshape wrote:Given the rampant paranoia about at the moment, I'd suggest putting pedals in your hand luggage, so you can explain them to security. You'll get them inspected one way or another. There's something about blocky metal objects, small circuit boards, and 9-volt batteries that says 'bomb' on x-ray.

When I toured in the US a few years ago, we put all the band pedals and leads in one bag. On the x-ray machine, it actually looked like a bomb. One operator nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw it, someone had their hand on a gun, but luckily we managed to be "we're British, we're sorry" enough to not get strip-searched.

In the present climate, I'd be on hand to explain things, and warn security "you might wanna look in that one" as you go through the machine.

Okay, so you've hit my paranoia bang on the head with this post. I'm next to certain that I'll get pulled, and pre-empting the search with "oh, by the way I'm carrying something that could look suspicious" fills me with a massive amount of anxiety.

FX Pedals look really really bad when viewed by an airport x-ray machine. I bought back 2 from NZ late last year. I carried them in my hand luggage and told the people well before I put them through the machine what they were. I had to do this at Auckland and LA - both times the security people were fine with it... in AKL they were nice enough to show me on the screen how it looked like a small explosive device.


Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

Rimbaud III wrote:
Okay, so you've hit my paranoia bang on the head with this post. I'm next to certain that I'll get pulled, and pre-empting the search with "oh, by the way I'm carrying something that could look suspicious" fills me with a massive amount of anxiety.

Oh, you'll be fine. Seriously. Actually, you don't have to say a word, just be polite, helpful and clear. The point I was making was about carrying them through security yourself as opposed to hold baggage - so you get to clearly explain what they are. In the current climate of insanity, I wouldn't rule out any comedy of errors involving dumbass baggage security and foreign nationals.

Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

evolu wrote:
johnnyshape wrote:Anyone got any ideas how you could do this with a brand new shiny guitar? I mean, how big a 'gift' are you allowed to receive?

£145 'declared' value, if you opt for this and the guitar gets mashed in transit you are fucked. A risk worth taking though, provided you trust the person shipping to pack the guitar well.

Cool. I was thinking of the 'taking it yourself' thing actually. Can I take 'gifts' back with me?

Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

johnnyshape wrote:
Rimbaud III wrote:
Okay, so you've hit my paranoia bang on the head with this post. I'm next to certain that I'll get pulled, and pre-empting the search with "oh, by the way I'm carrying something that could look suspicious" fills me with a massive amount of anxiety.

Oh, you'll be fine. Seriously. Actually, you don't have to say a word, just be polite, helpful and clear. The point I was making was about carrying them through security yourself as opposed to hold baggage - so you get to clearly explain what they are. In the current climate of insanity, I wouldn't rule out any comedy of errors involving dumbass baggage security and foreign nationals.

I don't know, you know. Braaahn fellas and airports don't mix too well as of late. Your not a doctor are you?

Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

johnnyshape wrote:
Rimbaud III wrote:
Okay, so you've hit my paranoia bang on the head with this post. I'm next to certain that I'll get pulled, and pre-empting the search with "oh, by the way I'm carrying something that could look suspicious" fills me with a massive amount of anxiety.

Oh, you'll be fine. Seriously. Actually, you don't have to say a word, just be polite, helpful and clear. The point I was making was about carrying them through security yourself as opposed to hold baggage - so you get to clearly explain what they are. In the current climate of insanity, I wouldn't rule out any comedy of errors involving dumbass baggage security and foreign nationals.

It's the thumbs-in-ass and teabaggage that this foreign national fears.

I think carrying them in my hand-luggage is the best option, but you're right, the potential for a hilarious mix up can't be excluded from the equation. I suppose that the worst that can happen is that I'm extraordinarily rendered to Algeria for some light genital torture. Winners all round!

Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

Rimbaud III wrote:It's the thumbs-in-ass and teabaggage that this foreign national fears.

I think carrying them in my hand-luggage is the best option, but you're right, the potential for a hilarious mix up can't be excluded from the equation. I suppose that the worst that can happen is that I'm extraordinarily rendered to Algeria for some light genital torture. Winners all round!

I was extraordinarily rendered on Saturday night.

Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

When I took my bass with me, I was worried that they'd ask what I was doing and was I going to make any money out of it but they didn't. They put it in the closet in the plane and treated it and me well. Ditto at customs. No questions.

Leaving the US, as Chris and Gareth said, leave all the packaging behind and your pedals will be fine in your suitcase or whatever. I promise.

With a guitar they can either put it in the hold as a special package or maybe you can take it on board with you. Deepends on the size.

Really the US doesn't give a shit as long as you're leaving the area.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

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