J. Burns wrote:
This is going to be my unofficial 26th birthday party. Please come and watch me get drunk, and then watch benadrian make fun of me!
aaaaand you can get some payback by standing uncomfortably close to him while he plays!
J. Burns wrote:
P.S. We'd offer to play with you in Portland, but we don't draw for shit down there.
Honestly, if we or the venue dude don't figure out something by a week from today, I say we just go for it... a show with awesome bands that is unattended then a show without awesome bands that is unattended.
Mandroid2.0 wrote:I may be driving up for this show with a friend, assuming that I don't have to work that weekend. If so, I promise that you will receive the combined taunting powers of Ben and myself.
Is that Layla?
I know she's going to be in Seattle during that time and has threatened to come out... but only if we play Assloads of Unrespect!
tocharian wrote:
Goodness, you really did try didn't you? Well let me know if you get a gig in Burque or environs cuz I'll totally go nuts at your show.
yeah, we pretty much tried everywhere... no luck at all.
which is too bad, as we have a handful of friends in the Burque. Do house shows or anything happen down there?