1-2" 8-track Wanted.. Otari?

zom-zom wrote:I found an anvil case that looks like it will just fit, maybe 1/2" packing on each side.

Should I take a chance? Do you think these machines are fairly durable?

I think it'll probably be ok so long as there's decent padding above the flat transport part to stop it bumping up and down. A friend of mine once dropped one of these machines down a flight of stairs and it worked fine afterwards.

1-2" 8-track Wanted.. Otari?

another similar story,

my 5050mliii-8 took a hard hit in shipping, a couple of frame/support rails inside got bent and the wood panel sides a bit crushed. was shipped in orig box/w orig packing.

but after a brief trip to the doctor it has been running tip top no problems for about 3 yrs now.

w the anvil case and some molded foam padding you shld be aces. :D
satisfactoryatburntsienna dt com

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