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Rick Reuben wrote:The only people who will stand up to the police state are the rednecks that the comfortable left sneers at.

You mean the same dudes that voted in the current administration?

Or are you talking about the dudes with acres of property in East Jesus stocked with ammo and non-perishables, ear-marked for the apocolypse? Cause I'm not sneering at them - I don't fuck with those guys.
Jon San Paolo

Your Privacy, Privatized?

Darryl_P wrote:Things like this can only progress so far before the ignorant start to get wise. I believe that once this happens, mass protest will gradually put a stop to shit like this going on.

It's not like your government would just shoot you, right?

We all know the food industry in the US is FAR too profitable, and that you'll all just import your McCheese Fries and stuff from some other country.
I can't imagine anybody receiving food rations that consist of a McCheeseburger, a poptart and a paper cup of coke.

I don't think the government in general is preparing to shoot everyone, but I wouldn't put it past the current administration to prepare extensively for civil unrest before shoving an emergency situation - via aggressive invasion of a fairly military-capable nation, for instance - and then use that as an excuse to force a 'war-economy' on the populace, to the profit of the usual suspects. In fact, I think that's probably the way it's been done throughout history. In a very general sense.

Your Privacy, Privatized?

Colonel Panic wrote:Is it just me, or does it feel like we're living in the movie Brazil?

I'd say that was an applicable archetype...and we're really only looking at the start of it all.

It's psychologically jarring for me in a few ways, seeing as my job largely consists of running audio-visual support for corporate 'pep rallies'...

On a sort of emotional/visceral level, 'Brazil' seems applicable. I especially love the moment when my drive to do excellent work confronts the actual content of that work...

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