kerble wrote:connor wrote:Saw this guy on Bill Maher and just heard him on WNYC. Too bad he can't run in the United States.
my god he was great. I want to read his book, now.
political argument as a chess match?!
Not Crap!
You're right, he plays words as if he's playing chess.
Maher asked "Well how come Putin has an 80% approval rating?"
"How do you know that?" Kasparov asked.
I thought "checkmate, Mr. Maher."
Clearly Bill was in awe of Kasparov and just playing the Devil's Advocate.
His thought path is pretty unique these days.
Really, not enough people are starting with questions like "how do you know it's true" these days.
It seems so simple, but as Occam's Razor proves to us, brilliance usually surfaces in simplicity.
John CIV wrote: There is also an interesting thing he says about an attitude that has faded in recent years: thinking inside the box.
This is exactly what I mean.