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State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:46 pm
by barndog_Archive
Software Developer - mostly web based stuff.
State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:46 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
I lead a double/triple life. The thing that pays the mortgage is telephone support for a major university. My specialty is Macintosh desktop and server report. Mostly I hit "refresh" at this website and wait for the phone ring.
I also am a touring drummer for all sorts of bands, some of which pay really well. I am able to accumulate enough leave time (Hail, Brother Simmo!) to hit the road a couple of times a year. Mostly I hit "refresh" at this website and wait for the phone to ring.
I also work nights in a recording studio recording rap and soul groups in the B Room at Pigpen Studios in Athens, GA. Lately, though, we've been so underpriced by bedroom studios that mostly, I hit "refresh" on this website, etc, etc, etc.
State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:50 pm
by kazoozak_Archive
I don't have a job right now. I'm a sophomore at the University of California-Merced, majoring in management. I also "run" a record label, which right now doesn't really operate since I don't have the seed money to actually put a record out (any money I have I spent on recording stuff). Preferable jobs right now would be a photo developer at a drugstore, fluffer behind a 7-11, fucking anything at this point.
If there are any Bay Area/Central Valley PRFers looking for a cabana boy...
State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:51 pm
by Benny_Archive
Web Designer. Mostly Html/Css/Js/Ajax. I'm working for the UK right now in a big-ass website. the pay is VERY good for Uruguay. it's my fourth job, i started here one month ago.
so far i'm happy with it.
State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:17 pm
by iembalm_Archive
Funeral Director and Embalmer, or as the license says, "Funeral Service Practitioner."
And all that entails (or is that entrails?)
State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:22 pm
by Ferrett_Archive
I Record bands for a living. It aint bad
State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:26 pm
by caix_Archive
barndog wrote:Software Developer - mostly web based stuff.
Need a new job? We need developers and producers!
I work for a pretty savvy online marketing company. That's the simple way to say what we do. We're very tech savvy. I do all the front end work. CSS/XHTML, some DOM Scripting and Ajax (just getting started here). We're moving to mostly Rails and Django platforms for some of our verticals. Our old systems work on PHP. Everything here is open source, even some of the programs we use. This is the most forward thinking company I've ever worked for and even though it's marketing at the end of the day, the things we do are pretty innovative and our client team is always pushing the dev team, which in turn creates so much innovation.
State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:29 pm
by bigc_Archive
Controller for a family owned aluminum manufacturing business with locations in GA, NC, TN and CA.
We have 200 employees and have been in business since 1946, when my grandfather founded this joint.
Working with my family is a source of nearly undending stress. People htink that I get to slack off, show up late and half-ass all the time. The truth is quite the opposite.
It kind of sucks.
State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:32 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
I'm the devil.
State and Describe Your Job
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:35 pm
by Hexpane_Archive
I work in a QA group for computer systems. I mostly do report development and user support.
I am generally known as being a guy who gives his honest opinion on various projects/initiatives (which get ignored because the decisions are usually made before the "input meetings") and then I later get tasked with fixing the problems that we red flagged earlier but where ignored by building some uber fancy report that the users think will do their jobs for them.
Its actually my fav job I've ever had if you can believe it. I really enjoy problem solving as painful as it can be, and its kinda fun watching directors make horrible decisions despite sound advice simply because they like to suck corporate dicks.
The shitty part is seeing said directors get sweet "packages" as they are asked to leave after 1 year of failure after failure.
Im on my way to meet our latest director, thankfully he is internal and not of that external mold and not likely to fail as he has already proven himself here for 10+ years.
The externals usually come in like gangbusters with some shitty idea to re-org, because moving headcount around solves problems!
Wait shitty conflicting projects that are 2-3X over budget? Best way to fix that is shuffle around who reports to who right? FUCKING GENIUSES!
I guess the company is good tho, they only had to watch 2 directors fail at that plan before finally hiring someone internal who understands that "shakeups" do not solve problems, they simply "shake things up"
which is useless