iced coffee?

Total votes: 15 (22%)
Total votes: 52 (78%)
Total votes: 67

beverage: Iced Coffee

the Classical wrote:bleeech. coffee is to be served, hot, hotter or face melting, not on ice. and black, like yr soul.

I suppose for college girls and certain enfeebled males it might be acceptable for their coffee to be "chilled" as not to upset their delicate natures.

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:What a total puss drink for pusses. Bonus puss points for whipped toppings and sprinkles.

Where do I begin? The hideous look and smell of it, the sippy sip sipping, the supergae containers and the way in which people carry them, the stupid spillproof lids, the overpricing, the ridiculous shops that sell this shit... Gae. All of it. Among the gaeest things in the world.

You are grown men! You should not be drinking iced coffee any more than you should be at a John Mayer show doing cartwheels in capri pants!

Republicans, the both of you. What, was Zell Miller not available today to fucking yell and scream?

Kidding! No, there's a case to be made for iced coffee. For example, sometimes in D.C. it is so hot the air melts/slays my face clean off. On those days, I happen to like iced coffee. Strong espresso, ice, maybe a little half and half.

And as funny as I find the phrase "sippy sip sipping," anybody who calls me a "gae" "pussy" with "bonus puss points" for liking iced coffee is going to find themselves with a Chris Matthews mask Crazy Glued to their face and their address (and a flintlock pistol) mailed to Sen. Miller.

beverage: Iced Coffee

Mr. Chimp wrote:Coffee, as a liquid, tastes like rank ass juice. Warm or cold.

Coffee grounds, new, freshly ground, smells as fine as the fine bottom of a beautiful, clean, tipsy and slightly excited lady. You want to bury your face into a lovely smothering death.

Wha...oh. Sorry. Coffee sucks, with ice.

I'm disagreeing and agreeing and then disagreeing with you in that order.

I also did that to be one post ahead of you, Chimpy.

I love coffee in all it's forms. Today, I made iced coffee by taking the coffee at the end of the pot and putting ice cubes in it. Just fine by me.

kerble is right.

beverage: Iced Coffee

goddammit, this is the bajillionth time ive tried to reply to this. the stupid customers have to pay with credit cards, and my boss HAS to be a cheap-ass and only have a dial-up connection, so right as i am about to hit 'submit' i have to sign off and start all over again.

how am i going to meet my new posting quota like this?!


an iced americano (4+ shots of espresso with water) allows me to enjoy the rich, excquisite taste of coffee in the hot georgian summer sun without sweating bullets. the 2 32oz servings between the hours of 2pm and 7pm work nicely into my 4-a-day regiment.

im guessing i get roughly 4 times as much caffiene as a soft drink, without the sticky, tooth-devastating sugar.

yuppie iced girl-coffee is crap.

black beany-tasting caffiene is not crap..

HotATLdiy|HAWKS[/img]|[url=]Blame Game

beverage: Iced Coffee


There are few things that peg the gae meter like iced coffee. Here is a short list:

1. Carb counters
2. Toyota RAV4s
3. Professional wedding planning (both as a vocation and a consumed service)
4. A high school girl's dog-eared copy of Jewel's "A Night Without Armor"
5. Friendster
6. Don McLean's "American Pie"
7. Splash cymbals
8. Your winning eBay bid for Dave Gahan's sweat-soaked and mascara-stained concert towel (c. 1986)
9. Drum circles, particularly if within visible distance of "Burning Man"
10. Young women who take tropical vacations and return home with corn rows

All so gae!

Chris G wrote:And as funny as I find the phrase "sippy sip sipping," anybody who calls me a "gae" "pussy" with "bonus puss points" for liking iced coffee is going to find themselves with a Chris Matthews mask Crazy Glued to their face and their address (and a flintlock pistol) mailed to Sen. Miller.

Beautiful! Salut, Chris G!

beverage: Iced Coffee

i had just finished my ICED COFFEE (black) when i logged onto this ridiculous website. as i ate the ice cubes from this ICED COFFEE, i discovered this poll.

brad, my iced coffee, she was two shots of illy espresso mixed w/san pellegrino!!! hahaha!!!! i will have another later today!

now the frappacrappacino and her ilk, i am not down with these. they are like to drink of the cake batter.

but the plain espresso drink on ice, with plain water, or the minerals water, or the coca cola to make an 'electric chair,' this is beautiful and totally not the crap to me

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