What s your most used ingredient when preparing a meal?

Probably salt, though I'd say that olive or grapeseed oil is a close second.

I'm also into lemon peel/juice, garlic, and basil or oregano. However, I use oil to make most everything, and I'm a confirmed kosher salt addict. I eat that shit plain. In fact, sometimes I eat spoonfuls of olive oil and salt, or dip bread into oil and sprinkle salt on top. Mmm...things that are unhealthy....
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

What s your most used ingredient when preparing a meal?

Marsupialized wrote:
simmo wrote:Next would be olive oil. And then garlic, before I lived with Dindon. God I miss garlic but fortunately for her my girlfriend > garlic so I guess it's ok.

she won't let you eat garlic?

She absolutely hates garlic, she doesn't stop me eating it but given that most all the time I'm cooking for both of us it's not worth the hassle of preparing seperate dishes. Whenever she goes back to France I tend to put garlic in/on everything, even my cornflakes.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


What s your most used ingredient when preparing a meal?

simmo wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:
simmo wrote:Next would be olive oil. And then garlic, before I lived with Dindon. God I miss garlic but fortunately for her my girlfriend > garlic so I guess it's ok.

she won't let you eat garlic?

She absolutely hates garlic, she doesn't stop me eating it but given that most all the time I'm cooking for both of us it's not worth the hassle of preparing separate dishes. Whenever she goes back to France I tend to put garlic in/on everything, even my cornflakes.

Recently my wife's family was in town and this is only like the fourth or fifth time I have met them...anyway, we are out to eat at a restaurant and I go off on how good the garlic bread is and how could anyone not like garlic? What kind of sick mind cannot wrap itself around the pure humping deliciousness of garlic? I think I proclaimed anyone who does not like garlic an idiot and worthy of being shot dead in the street.
Her family is from Sicily so I figure if there was anything safe to go off on like that it was garlic.
Of course her dad waits for me to fully extend myself into this, then says 'I hate garlic, always have'
That was the end of that little rant, luckily he has a slight sense of humor and didn't call in hitmen to murder me in the night.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

What s your most used ingredient when preparing a meal?

Marsupialized wrote:
simmo wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:
simmo wrote:Next would be olive oil. And then garlic, before I lived with Dindon. God I miss garlic but fortunately for her my girlfriend > garlic so I guess it's ok.

she won't let you eat garlic?

She absolutely hates garlic, she doesn't stop me eating it but given that most all the time I'm cooking for both of us it's not worth the hassle of preparing separate dishes. Whenever she goes back to France I tend to put garlic in/on everything, even my cornflakes.

Recently my wife's family was in town and this is only like the fourth or fifth time I have met them...anyway, we are out to eat at a restaurant and I go off on how good the garlic bread is and how could anyone not like garlic? What kind of sick mind cannot wrap itself around the pure humping deliciousness of garlic? I think I proclaimed anyone who does not like garlic an idiot and worthy of being shot dead in the street.
Her family is from Sicily so I figure if there was anything safe to go off on like that it was garlic.
Of course her dad waits for me to fully extend myself into this, then says 'I hate garlic, always have'
That was the end of that little rant, luckily he has a slight sense of humor and didn't call in hitmen to murder me in the night.

Yeah, you're lucky you're not dead.

JUst to send a message, they would have left a garlic bulb in each of your eyes. After first gut shooting you to die a horribly painful death.
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