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Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:26 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
vockins wrote:If there's anything I could change about my life, it would that I drop out of high school at about 16, get a GED, then go to CC

ah, the Marsupialized plan

Sock OR Muffin? wrote:Plus, CCs usually contain an abundance of attractive ladies.

that's true for any sort of higher learning, nobody is going to pay for a fat girl to go to college, what's the point of that?

Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:29 am
by tallchris_Archive
Sock OR Muffin? wrote:Not Crap.

I should have started out at one instead of wasting tens of thousands of dollars at private schools before I knew what I wanted to study.

Agreed. I would recommend anyone that doesn't know exactly what they want to do go to cc for a couple years first. Better than spending your first two years of school at a four year school spending way more money, and still not knowing what you want to do.

Plus, CCs usually contain an abundance of attractive ladies.

Considering how big of a program Running Start is in WA state, that hot lady could be 15 yrs old. Consider yourself warned.

Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:40 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
tallchris wrote:
Plus, CCs usually contain an abundance of attractive ladies.

Considering how big of a program Running Start is in WA state, that hot lady could be 15 yrs old. Consider yourself warned.


Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:52 am
by Boombats_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:
Sock OR Muffin? wrote:Plus, CCs usually contain an abundance of attractive ladies.

that's true for any sort of higher learning, nobody is going to pay for a fat girl to go to college, what's the point of that?

So she can get a good job based on her abilities, instead of blowing her way to the top like the hott girlz?

Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:14 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
Boombats wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:
Sock OR Muffin? wrote:Plus, CCs usually contain an abundance of attractive ladies.

that's true for any sort of higher learning, nobody is going to pay for a fat girl to go to college, what's the point of that?

So she can get a good job based on her abilities, instead of blowing her way to the top like the hott girlz?


Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:39 am
by Sock OR Muffin?_Archive
Marsupialized wrote: that's true for any sort of higher learning, nobody is going to pay for a fat girl to go to college, what's the point of that?

Well my stupid ass started out at two technical schools. The first one, literally, was like 25-1 male female. I only stayed there a year...for many reasons.

Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:50 am
by The MayorofRockNRoll_Archive
I plan on going to Harry Truman, maybe in the summer semester. I kinda fucked my chance to go this semester (procrastination, lack of familiarity with the process, plus there was shit in my work schedule that makes it not entirely my fault).

I went to junior college right out of high school and fucked it up. I wasn't paying for it, and they weren't taking role. I was in my late teens, horny and distracted, there were problems in my home life with my folks that prompted me looking to move out, education at the time didn't seem very punk, blah blah blah de blah...As a total fuck up I'm not that unique.

I've since lived in a couple of different cities, bounced around from job to job, attempted to take the autodidactic route and would non-academically find people who taught shit I was interested in, but it never got me out of wage slavery.

The last couple of years have been employment chaos, and I've worked a couple of real bottom of the barrel shitholes...I mean, places that are insulting to work at if you're an adult. The whole thing has made me mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted.

Some people turn to Jesus, I'm turning to academia. Fuggit, at times I feel like a male Jerri Blanks. I'm not getting any younger, that's for sure.

So I say NC.

Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:57 am
by Colonel Panic_Archive
Community College students typically adopt humorous, condescending nicknames for the schools they attend. "High School with ashtrays", etc.

The CC in the town where I grew up, Joliet Junior College is sometimes referred to as "UCLA" which stands for: "University Closest to Larkin Avenue".

Does your town have a clever little epithet for your local community college?

Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:59 am
by NerblyBear_Archive
I would not recommend that anyone attend a community college if they can possibly avoid having to do so.

I went to one for two years and got my A.A. before moving on to a state university. The quality of the classes was very, very poor, on the whole. I didn't feel challenged at all. The only exceptions were the math classes, which I enjoyed because I'm not a math person and having to force myself to become one was a bit fun.

The large majority of students were unenthusiastic about learning and didn't want to be there. I know this is probably applicable even to regular colleges and universities, but I found it to be even more the case at community college. The professors were nice and smart, but were forced to dumb down their lesson plans significantly. I remember taking a history course on ancient Greece and Rome, a topic I find incredibly fascinating, and no one did the readings or said anything in class. Not wanting to be "that guy" who knows the answer to every question, I stopped raising my hand after a few classes. And the professor was awesome. That whole experience was depressing and maddening. Even the teacher was so disappointed with how it went that it seemed like she was personally hurt and offended by the lack of engagement.

Don't do it. It's cheap, yes. The student body is more diverse, yes. There are many fewer detestable "college kids" because most students at C.C.'s have to work during the day and are more mature as a result. But you will end up sitting in class biting your nails and bored out of your skull. If that prospect sounds like not such a big deal, go right ahead. But you can't say you weren't warned.

Institution: Community College

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:08 am
by The MayorofRockNRoll_Archive
Colonel Panic wrote:Community College students typically adopt humorous, condescending nicknames for the schools they attend. "High School with ashtrays", etc.

The CC in the town where I grew up, Joliet Junior College is sometimes referred to as "UCLA" which stands for: "University Closest to Larkin Avenue".

Does your town have a clever little epithet for your local community college?

In Kansas City, Longview Community College was Harvard on the Lake because of Longview Lake. Penn Valley CC was Broadway University. There was one for Maple Woods too (they were all part of Metropolitan Community Colleges) but I don't remember it.

And you maybe consider that some of us don't have the option of going to a state or other such four-year institution? Fine, you were bored, what the fuck ever. Still, you got to go and move on. It's kinda what you make it, isn't it?