Foldyourarmsandsaynah wrote:mr.arrison wrote:FuzzBob wrote:I agree about the shitty builder-home construction going on there. I experienced that shit in San Antonio, too. Military towns will tolerate the ugliest, barracks-looking shitboxes.
I disagree about the seafood. We get Va Beach seafood here in Richmond, only two hours away by refrigerator truck, and I'll put Crab Louie's in my neighborhood up against (the good) Phillip's anytime.
Phillips imports most of their seafood from Southeast Asia now. There aren't many things living in the Chesapeake as the oxygen supply in the entire bay can barely support even barnacles. I would suspect that the same is true for most Restaurants that are claming "Fresh Seafood from the Chesapeake" etc..
As far as the shitty home construction, many areas in both Va. Beach and Chesapeake were built in areas equal to or below sea level. Retrofitted swamps turned into subdivisions... Virginia Beach builders generally stopped using perimeter poured concrete foundations for housing around 1978 or so. Hurricane bolts are also not used. So basically you have thousands of houses sitting in swamps on cinder block piers with nothing bolting them to the foundation. If the sea levels were to rise, or if a Katrina caliber hurricane came, all of Virginia Beach would basically get washed out to sea.
It's also filled with white, young right-wing Bush-loving Christians who are usually in the Navy. Just look at 2004 election maps. Virginia probably would have gone for Kerry if it wasn't for the entire Norfolk/Virginia Beach region.
I can't believe that when I lived there good shows came through the area, but they did.
Virginia Beach has been slowly turning blue since 2004. It's probably a mid grade purple at this point. They elected 2 dems to the house of delegates in the last election and the state senate just got a democratic majority for the first time in a long time. And Norfolk is democrat as all hell, I don't know what map you were looking at because they were announcing city votes during the election and Norfolk wanted the democrats. And remember, most navy guys/girls who live here don't vote based out of here, it's wherever they're from. The retired ones do, but not active duty.
That makes sense. Norfolk's main industry outside of Ft. Eustis is what, shipbuilding and MARAD? That has to involve plenty of skilled and quite possibly unionized labor. The military vote does count if officers move their families and take up residence there. However, the military vote is closer to purple than many people think. I can think of 5 friends and acquaintances offhand who are liberal Democrat vets, and they've all told me that political views are quite diverse. Not only is there a gay contingent but significant minority and green ones as well. The McCain-types only represent the subgroup of
Republicans who are active or vets.
Virginia itself is purple. NOVA is not as blue as DC but still blue. Charlottesville is blue. Urban Richmond is blue, but suburban/exurb metro Richmond is red as shit. Lynchburg is Falwell's empire's nerve center, also ass-red. Other red spots are redneck shitholes like Christiansburg, Wytheville, and various tank towns in the extreme southwest region. Not too sure about Blacksburg which is VT's home.
The tidal estuaries in the Chesapeake Bay do support sizeable oyster colonies; I know this because some folks freaked out that an oil spill up the James would threaten them. All those ships chugging in and out look like major water pollution threats but actually aren't, particulate matter from airborne diesel exhaust notwithstanding. I'd guess that's moot anyway since most other forms of shellfish grow in saltwater, not the kind of brackish water found at a river mouth, so any "Chesapeake Bay shellfish" would be caught pretty far away from town, right?
Sucks about Phillips, BTW.